All main actors and cast list for After Everything

All main actors and cast list for After Everything

After Everything, the final installment of the After series, is now available on Netflix. The series, based on the novel by Anna Todd, follows Hardin Scott and Tessa Young to their happy ending. But other characters also appear. Below are all the main actors and cast list of After Everything. All main actors and cast list of After Everything

Hero Fiennes Tiffin as Hardin Scott

Hardin Scott in After All. This image is part of an article about all the main actors and cast list of After Everything.
Hero Fiennes Tiffin takes on the role of Hardin Scott in After Everything. Hardin is the male lead in every After movie. Rebellious and very charismatic, Hardin is a bad boy when he first meets Tessa. He loves her fiercely, which brings out his more sensitive and caring side, but that doesn’t mean getting to a place where they can be together isn’t a Fight. painting. The films saw the character battle alcoholism and anger issues before After Everything finally brought him and Tessa to a place where they could be happy together.

Fiennes Tiffin, whose uncle is Ralph Fiennes, got his start in the Harry Potter film series, playing a young version of his uncle’s character Voldemort.

Josephine Langford as Tessa Young

Tessa Young in After All. This image is part of an article about all the main actors and cast list of After Everything.

Although her role in After Everything was greatly reduced, Josephine Langford returned as Tessa Young. She is the female lead in every After movie. The complete opposite of Hardin when they first met, Tessa was a good girl – an excellent student who never got into trouble and would never truly love someone like Hardin. Except for the spark, and five movies later, Tessa and Hardin have their happily ever after.

Langford barely appears in After Everything, appearing only in the final few scenes, but she remains at the center of every decision Hardin makes throughout the film. The actress recently starred in the romantic comedy The Other Zoey.

Mimi Keene as Nathalie

Nathalie in After All. This image is part of an article about all the main actors and cast list of After Everything.

New character Nathalie plays one of Hardin’s exes in After Everything, and someone Hardin feels he needs to make amends with. And he does, because he leaked a sex tape featuring Natalie that caused her to lose her scholarship and have to move to Portugal. In the end, she forgave Hardin and helped him face the toxic person he had been and the person he wanted to become.

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