What ‘The Cosby Show’ Intro Could Look Like Today, According to ‘Family Guy’

What ‘The Cosby Show’ Intro Could Look Like Today, According to ‘Family Guy’

“Family Guy” took aim at “The Cosby Show” on Monday night, offering their interpretation of what the sitcom’s introduction would look like today, “knowing what we know now” .

In the clip, Peter and his friends and family gathered around the TV to watch the program. They sat attentively watching Cosby cartoons appear on the screen. The “Cosby Show” introduction begins as before, with the comedian dancing in his signature patterned sweater, but then the female cast appears on screen. In “Family Guy’s” version, the women appear passed out in chairs or stumble across the screen as if they were drugged. Pantsless Bea Arthur also makes a cameo appearance.

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