Wednesday Season 2’s Stakes Just Got Higher Thanks To Jenna Ortega’s Supernatural Tease

Wednesday Season 2’s Stakes Just Got Higher Thanks To Jenna Ortega’s Supernatural Tease

Jenna Ortega has teased new details about the supernatural aspects of Wednesday season 2, which add pressure to the horror show’s anticipated return.

Jenna Ortega’s new comments about the show’s supernatural elements give Wednesday season 2 even higher stakes after previous teases. Expanding the world of the beloved macabre characters from The Addams Family, Netflix’s Wednesday season 1 took the franchise into a new direction as it blended horror, mystery, and teen drama with a focus on the family’s daughter, Wednesday Addams (Jenna Ortega). The success of the first season’s risks has led to high expectations for Wednesday season 2’s upcoming story, with plenty of emphasis being had on its supernatural themes.

After the show’s darker tone worked out the first time around, Wednesday season 2 is still making some changes to the series’ themes and subject matter. Speaking about the upcoming plot, star Jenna Ortega provided some details about Wednesday season 2’s worldbuilding and the expansion of its supernatural elements. Ortega explained, “We’re definitely expanding on the supernatural world. Our show had all sorts of werewolves and vampires and da-ta-da. And I think we expand on that a little bit.” After season 1’s more surface-level introductions, Wednesday season 2’s stakes continue to grow as it leans further into its genre tropes and worldbuilding.

Wednesday Season 2 Embracing Supernatural Elements Puts More Pressure On The Show

Given how Ortega previously teased that Wednesday season 2 would feature more horror than season 1, her reveal that the supernatural world is also expanding gives the show more pressure to succeed. With these crucial and acclaimed elements from season 1 being explored further, the stakes are higher for Wednesday season 2 to exceed the quality of the Netflix show’s first outing. The expectations for the show’s genre fare and worldbuilding are now much greater, with Ortega’s comments giving the show some big promises to live up to.

Since its inception, the world of The Addams Family has been fairly boundless in regard to its supernatural explorations. While Wednesday is the first Addams Family show to explicitly give all the Addamses powers and confirm that they’re inherently supernatural rather than just morbidly fascinated with this world, there were always certain unexplained elements of their universe that could use expansion, such as the natures of Cousin Itt and Thing. However, with Wednesday integrating psychic powers, werewolves, vampires, sirens, and various supernatural species at Nevermore Academy, the franchise’s world in Netflix’s show is already much more expansive, requiring deeper exploration and attention.

Wednesday Season 2’s Horror Promise Is Still A Great Sign For The Show’s Future

Though expanding on the supernatural aspect of Wednesday’s universe is exciting, Ortega’s teases about season 2’s horror focus confirm the show won’t be too different from how it was introduced. Wednesday season 1’s darker tone was paramount to its success as an original take on the classic Addams family members, so leaning into horror for its return, thankfully, means that the tone and aesthetic won’t be drastically different. Rather, Wednesday is making the parts of season 1 that worked well even better, and isn’t afraid to double down on some of the riskier elements it took with the iconic characters.

Wednesday season 2 emphasizing the horror genre also bodes well for the tone and focus of the series growing alongside its characters. As Wednesday Addams and her classmates get older, they’re presented with heavier, darker themes and developments that come with age, so leaning further into horror elements is a fitting way to underscore these natural changes. Similar to Netflix’s Stranger Things, as Wednesday progresses, the darker tone and supernatural themes are expected to mature as well.

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