Star Wars: The Ultimate Meaning of Every Single Skywalker

Star Wars: The Ultimate Meaning of Every Single Skywalker

Star Wars is a saga that talks, in an imaginative way, about the struggle between good and evil. In this case, we are talking about the Light Side versus the Dark Side, represented mainly by the Jedi and the Sith Lords.

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The restoration of balance, understood as “peace”, is narrated through the events of the Skywalker family and the great villain Darth Sidious. Emperor Sheev Palpatine immediately grasped the potential of the “son of the Force” Anakin Skywalker and plagiarized him to divert his destiny.

Speaking of Skywalker, let’s see what the definitive role of each individual character was. They can be divided into groups: those created by George Lucas, and those created by his successor J.J. Abrams (author of most of the Sequel Trilogy).

The Skywalkers are, without a shadow of a doubt, the most powerful weapon deployed by the Light Side to restore the Balance. From a narrative point of view, they represent heroes. In fact, even the fallen heroes, who must first find themselves and defeat their demons, before emerging as positive figures.

The beauty of the Skywalker family (including their heirs) lies precisely in the imperfection of the individual elements. These protagonists need to deal with fear, pain, loss so as not to become the monsters of the situation.

Star Wars: analysis of every single Skywalker
This analysis takes into consideration each Skywalker’s role in the battle against Darth Sidious.

Star Wars Episode VI 6 Return of the Jedi scene Darth Vader Luke Skywalker anniversary images 40 years culture inherits new canon
Anakin Skywalker (along with his son) brought about the end of the Empire. After years of serving Palpatine, he gave up power and fought his anger at himself to become a hero again. His journey from Darth Vader is terrible, because he has become the creator of infinite monstrosities. But he closed the narrative cycle, graced by forgiveness. It is the ultimate symbol of the fallen hero, who looked at the face of darkness for too long, allowing himself to be tempted. An often unstable, conflicted, fragile character. His feelings made him a tool for Jedi and Sith alike.

Luke Skywalker defeated Darth Sidious, first of all, by not giving in to the Dark Side at the most critical moments. He is the first hero of the saga, the greatest, since he was conceptually born to be the protagonist and the definitive hero. He carried out his battles with his heart. As an old man he became a victim of the Emperor’s revenge. He lost the role of Jedi master, but managed to redeem himself with honor and sacrifice, confirming his greatness.

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Leia “Organa” Skywalker was a force user, but she didn’t need Force powers to face evil. From a young age she fought as a rebel warrior and leader, in the name of justice. She sacrificed herself for the good of the Galaxy and to restrain a child for whom she was not an ideal mother. Too distracted by politics and the evil of others, she contributed to the birth of Kylo Ren.

Star Wars: Heirs of the Skywalkers
Ben Solo (the last Skywalker) was the instrument of the Sith Lord’s supreme vengeance. A boy mentally misguided from an early age. He managed to become the Supreme Leader of the First Order, before realizing that he had been the victim of a terrible puppeteer, who distanced him from those he loved.

The Skywalker family includes other characters such as Shmi Skywalker (Anakin’s mother), Han Solo (Ben Solo’s father) and Padmé Amidala (mother of the twins). Their role was essential both positively and negatively. In some ways, their influence revealed the fragilities of Anakin and Ben, but it also served to tell their potential as heroes.

Star Wars Rey Skywalker surname Tatooine final movie episode IX binary sunset rise explanation sunset
Rey Skywalker is the most controversial Skywalker, perhaps the least accepted by the fandom. He is not actually related by blood, but is a Dyad with Ben Solo. This means that in the Force they are a single entity. So she is related to the last Skywalker by birth. The adoption of the name Skywalker was just hinted at in one scene, where the twins Luke and Leia agree to the choice of his surname and his new identity.

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