Game Of Thrones: 5 Targaryens Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Deserved More)

Plenty of characters in Game of Thrones did not find satisfaction, and House Targaryen in particular is a mixed bag of good and bad endings.

There are several important families in the world of Game of Thrones, and one of those is the Targaryen family. The family name is one of major importance throughout the show and the characters within it have a huge impact on what happens. However, even though this family is of huge importance to the series, that doesn’t mean everyone who is part of House Targaryen gets a fitting ending. Some of the characters go out in the best possible manner, which suits their story perfectly.

On the flip side of things, some characters really didn’t get the ending that they deserved, which left some fans a little disappointed. Within this list, we will take a look at House Targaryen and reveal five members who got fitting endings, and five who didn’t.

Fitting Ending: Aemon

Maester Aemon at Castle Black in Game of Thrones

One member of the Targaryen family who got a fitting ending was Aemon, who was the Maester at Castle Black, and a major part of the Night’s Watch. He opted to give up his family title and focus on being a Maester to ensure he had no impact in anything political, which is why fans really loved him.

He always looked out for Jon Snow, and also happened to teach Samwell Tarly everything he knew. He simply dies of old age, which is fitting as nobody wanted to see him brutally killed. He has conversations to himself with his brother and is looked after by Sam, slowly passing away.

Deserved Better: Rhaegar Targaryen

Rhaegar Targaryen marrying Lyanna Stark in Game of Thrones

Within Game of Thrones, Rhaegar Targaryen is someone who is shrouded in mystery, with the show slowly dripping different bits of information. His death comes at the hand of Robert Baratheon during the civil war, but it isn’t something that gets a major moment on the show.

Because of how important his life is, as we later learn about Jon Snow, it would be interesting to see more about him if possible. Showing his life more could have given the Targaryen family more focus outside of the few characters that are given lots of screen time.

Fitting Ending: Lyanna Stark

Ned takes Jon Snow after Lyanna's death in Game of Thrones

She might have been born a member of the Stark family, but Lyanna secretly ends up marrying Rhaegar, making her a member of the Targaryen family as well. She brings the two families together, but only her brother Ned Stark ends up finding out about it.

This is how he ends up with Jon Snow, as it is through that pregnancy that Lyanna ends up losing her life. She sadly dies in childbirth and it is an emotional moment, but it is also one that creates Game of Thrones’ biggest mystery and most exciting plot.

Deserved Better: Khal Drogo

Khal Drogo -Jason Momoa hints at Game Of Thrones return

He might not have the second name of Targaryen, but he certainly is part of the family due to the fact he marries Daenerys early on in the series. Khal is built up as one of the most dominant fighters in the entire series, and because of that people instantly expected a dramatic death for him.

Khal is shown as someone who can easily handle himself, and people hoped it would be an epic battle that would bring him down. However, that isn’t the case as he ends up being treated for an injury and is poisoned. He ends up being killed by Daenerys herself, using a pillow, which isn’t quite the way people thought this warrior would fall.

Fitting Ending: Jon Snow

We don’t learn about Jon Snow’s true identity and family lineage until late on in Game of Thrones, but when we do it turns out that he is a Targaryen. However, this doesn’t change Jon as a character, which is the best thing possible, as it is keeping him as how everyone liked him.

He stays loyal and honest and doesn’t use his family lineage to take a claim to the throne. Instead, he helps out with the battle against the dead, disposes of the Mad Queen and then goes back North beyond the wall, where he is most comfortable.

Deserved Better: Aegon Targaryen

Aegon I Targaryen the Conqueror

While Jon Snow was also given the name of Aegon Targaryen, he also had an older brother with the same name. He was the son of Rhaegar and Elia Martell before his father began his relationship with the Stark family, but he isn’t a character that is mentioned much in the show.

However, the civil war brought Aegon to his end, as he was murdered following his father’s death. It wasn’t something that was highlighted in the show, which is a shame as it could have been a more important moment.

Fitting Ending: Aerys II Targaryen

Game of Thrones' Mad King Aerys Targaryen screaming

Aerys II Targaryen is someone who dies before Game of Thrones officially begins, and he is known as ‘The Mad King.’ Obviously, because of that, his ending is always set in stone as he dies at the hand of Jamie Lannister, who stabs him in the back.

However, the show does highlight him slipping into a world of insanity, which is the perfect way to write him off in flashback scenes. It showcases how power corrupts people and really was a fitting ending for him on-screen in order to help the overall story.

Deserved Better: Rhaegal

Rhaegal is killed by a large bolt.
Rhaegal’s death by shipbolt

While they’re not human characters, the three dragons were basically Daenerys’ children, but by the end, only one survived. While Viserion being killed by the Night King is a very cool moment, Rhaegal deserved a slightly bigger and better moment.

The dragon was taken down by a scorpion bolt, which could have been an epic moment had it not been for the following scene. While the death would have been awesome, it was instantly made underwhelming when Daenerys managed to avoid a ton of bolts straight afterwards while riding Drogon.

Fitting Ending: Viserys Targaryen

Viserys Targaryen in Game Of Thrones

Viserys Targaryen wasn’t part of Game of Thrones for long, only appearing in five episodes of the first season. However, he certainly made a big impact in that time and quickly became one of the most hated characters in the entire show.

The way he was happy to sell his sister like a sex slave pretty much summed up what sort of a person he was. Viserys wasn’t a nice person, which is why his ending was so perfect. He might have felt like he was in control, but that wasn’t the case, and seeing him get his gold crown which melted on his head and killed him was very fitting.

Deserved Better: Daenerys Targaryen

Danerys rides Drogon around the Great Pyramid of Meereen

When you think about the Targaryen family, it is more than likely that Daenerys is the first person that springs to mind. She is the character we follow throughout the entire series as she desperately tries to get to the Iron Throne and she is all about female empowerment, which made her beloved by fans.

Daenerys was a very popular character until the final season. Greed and power took hold of her, and she followed her fathers footsteps and essentially became the Mad Queen. The sudden change was too drastic and quick to really make sense, and her death at the hands of Jon Snow was something that fans didn’t enjoy.

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