Game Of Thrones: 5 Characters Who Would Make The Best Girlfriends (& 5 Who Would Make The Worst)

Game of Thrones is known for its rich characters with some of them seeming like they’d make best partners and others seeming like they’d be the worst.

Game of Thrones helped to usher in the Golden Age of TV, introducing ‘event TV’ the world and introducing millions of new fans to the fantasy genre, showing them that fantasy isn’t simply for those who enjoy the world of Tolkien.

While the show will certainly be remembered for its cutthroat political scheming, magical events, and exhilarating action, there are several characters who are welcoming enough to be potential partners.

Best: Sansa Stark

Sansa Stark has had one of the toughest times on the show. She had to sacrifice her dire wolf, live with the venomous and sadistic Lannisters in King’s Landing, put up with Littlefinger, and then survive the sadistic Ramsay Bolton.

After all of this, she remained one of the strongest and cleverest characters on the show, even rising to become the first of Lady of Winterfell in the history of Westeros.

Worst: Shame Nun

Shame Nun Game of Thrones

The Shame Nun is one of the most iconic characters in Game of Thrones history, with her bell and ‘shame’ catchphrase giving rise to countless memes across the internet after Cersei’s walk of shame.

However, the Shame Nun would be an awful partner. Not only would she insist on yelling shame and tingling her little bell but, due to her nun vow, intimacy would also be a no-go.

Best: Brienne Of Tarth

While Brienne of Tarth may not be the most conventionally attractive woman in the show, with many mocking her for her features, she is one of the most charming, humorous, and honorable characters in Westeros.

Additionally, Brienne is arguably the most bad*ss character in the show. Living in a brutal patriarchy, Brienne rose to become one of the best fighters in the kingdom and even became the first woman to be knighted.

Worst: Melisandre

Melisandre in the bath in Game of Thrones

While Melisandre may be one of the most attractive characters on the show, she’s also one of the most intimidating and brutal. Even a desperate individual would find it hard to date someone who burned a child alive.

Additionally, while Melisandre appears to be very attractive, without her ruby glamor, her true form is of an ancient woman. So, if that slips off, any partner is in for a shock.

Best: Ygritte

Rose Leslie as Ygritte aiming bow and arrow at Jon Snow in Game of Thrones

Ygritte was one of the most memorable characters in the show’s history. She is a headstrong Wildling woman who even makes Jon, raised by the honorable Ned Stark, consider breaking his Night’s Watch vows for good and leaving the Watch.

She is a funny, independent, strong character who would make for an incredible partner, as her relationship with Jon Snow showed.

Worst: Daenerys s8e5

Daenerys makes the decision to burn King's Landing

While this addition may be controversial as it relates to Daenerys in one particular episode, the character jump from the previous episode (with no development) justifies it being its own entry in this list. This isn’t to say that turning her into this character is bad, it’s simply saying that there wasn’t sufficient character development to justify this sudden character change.

The Daenerys in the fifth episode of season 8, The Bells, is a mad, genocidal dictator who wishes to wage constant war on the world. Obviously, she would be very difficult to grow close to.

Best: Missandei

Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei in Game of Thrones Season 7

Missandei is one of the most interesting characters in the Game of Thrones TV series. Originally a slave, Missandei was rescued by Daenerys and ultimately became one of her closest and most trusted advisors.

She is unwaveringly loyal to Daenerys Targaryen and had one of the most compelling romances on the show with Grey Worm. Missandei isn’t only one of the most attractive characters in the show, but she is also one of the most intelligent and humorous.

Worst: Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister on the Iron Throne of Game Of Thrones

Naturally, Cersei Lannister had to make this list in some form or other. While the character is one of the most developed in the show, allowing the audiences to understand her motivations incredibly well, she is also one of the most hated on the show due to her venomous actions and constant aggression against fan-favorite characters.

Cersei is a power-hungry, sadistic character who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. This is best shown by her destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor and her betrayal of the North.

Best: Daenerys S1-s8e4

Daenerys Targaryen was one of the most popular characters in the show. Audiences got to see the character develop across eight seasons, growing from a scared and naive young woman into a powerful, confident ruler that could ride dragons and defeat the armies of the dead.

Daenerys is an independent character who follows her purpose in a misogynistic and patriarchal society, aiming to break the wheel and free slaves along the way (ignoring her sudden character change in The Bells).

Worst: Myranda

Ramsay and Myranda hunting in the forest in Game of Thrones

The name Myranda might not mean much to a casual fan of the show, but if shown her picture and reminded that she was the ‘girlfriend’ of Ramsay Bolton, one would instantly share a disdain for the character.

In addition to being close to one of the most sadistic characters in the show, Myranda also aims to be as sadistic as Ramsay himself. Naturally, judging by her relationship with Ramsay along, she ought to be avoided.

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