12 Reasons Why Maxine Shaw Was The Best Character On “Living Single”

They called her “The Maverick” for good reasons!
In the early ’90s, Yvette Lee Browser brought us the small screen-iconic classic, Living Single. The show is centered around four 20-something women, their two male friends, and how they navigate careers, friendships, and romantic relationships in New York.
And while Kyle and Overton were pivotal parts of the show, the real magic existed between the nuanced relationships among the starring female characters — Khadijah, Regine, Synclaire, and Maxine. Each of these women were unique and accomplished in their own right, but there was something special about Maxine Shaw that made her a fan favorite, or at least a favorite of mine. Here’s why:
1. Erika Alexander made Maxine grip our hearts in a special way.
Actress Erika Alexander portrayed Maxine Shaw. On an episode of “Reel It Back” on Shadow & Act, Alexander revealed that she got lost in character, having to pull off the beauty of such a layered person. She even alluded to the fact that she isn’t quite like the character in real life, making her ability to invest in the role and make it believable, so much more impressive.

2. Maxine was a high-powered attorney at a big firm, and eventually, at the District Attorney’s office.
Representation matters! Maxine influenced and encouraged many Black and brown girls to take control of their careers, particularly in law. Also, she was a boss and unapologetically owned her achievements and success.

3. She was a woman of the people.
During the latter part of the series, Maxine successfully ran for an alderman seat. Although she brought her quirky approach to the office, she often used her legal prowess to fight for those in her assigned district.

4. Maxine always brought the vibes.
Maxine was always full of energy. She was vibrant and always down for a good time. We all need a Maxine to help us be more relaxed and cool.
5. Romance was very nuanced for her, but she knew exactly what she wanted.
Episode after episode, we saw Max be very matter-of-fact in her relationships with men. Although she came off as guarded sometimes, it did not mean she was incapable of love. She cared deeply, even if it wasn’t always clear from the beginning.

6. Maxine had a charming wit about her.
Her quick wit was often displayed in her back-and-forth with Kyle. But it was not reserved for him alone. Often, Maxine’s witty nature is what brought people in.
7. You wanted the truth? Just ask Max.
Do you have that friend who would give you advice or a quick response with no chaser? That perfectly describes Maxine Shaw. One would never have to guess exactly what she meant when she said it.

8. One thing Maxine would do is enjoy a good meal
I’ll admit, her ability to finesse and feel entitled to free meals was obnoxious at times; however, if you are around Max, there is a good chance great food choices are near.
9. Maxine unapologetically owned her body and her sexuality.
Maxine was one of the first examples of a woman on mainstream television who owned her sexuality and was unapologetic about it. There was a freedom about her and her refreshing choices, especially in an era that pushed counter-narratives about women.

10. Maxine defined care-free and living for the moment.
Maxine personified living in the moment and giving your best today. Tomorrow is not promised, so maximize the present moment.
11. Max was a true friend.
She was loyal to those she loved and dedicated to the success of those who mattered most to her. From giving her friend a loan to representing them in court, Maxine was always there for her friends.

12. She was full of surprises!
Expect the unexpected when dealing with Maxine. She was sure to keep you laughing and engaged.

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