On transplants and romance
Everyone’s pretty ticked off by the liver situation but for different reasons. Catherine is so ticked off that her protégé would lie to her and let her present false information to the transplant committee that she refuses to even speak to Evynn. Evynn is ticked off that they’re just going to let her wife die instead of giving her this liver. Meredith is ticked off that Evynn put her in this position in the first place and about that whole thing in which Evynn accuses Meredith of being so deep in her research about Alzheimer’s that she forgets that patients are human beings with lives. (This accusation is especially egregious because, uh, has Evynn watched even one episode of Grey’s Anatomy? Meredith is the queen of Alzheimer’s, okay? Does she know about her mother?! Does she know she once took a wrecking ball to her husband’s research in order to help Adele and Richard Webber? Learn some history!) Oh, and Nick is ticked off because no one seems as upset as he is that Tasha, a 41-year-old woman who could live for a very long time with her disease, is being denied this liver. He’s very #TeamTasha here. And Richard is ticked … oh, well, in a nice turn of events, Richard doesn’t seem all that ticked at anyone anymore, so that’s nice.
While everyone is running around being mad at everyone else, Tasha’s case and the decision of whether she should get this liver go back to the transplant committee — this time with all the information. But there is a bit of a hiccup: Bailey also happens to have a patient in an emergent situation who suddenly very much needs a liver and is a match for the donor liver that was mere minutes away from being placed into Tasha’s body. Now, when Bailey hears about the situation with Tasha, she basically says, “No, thank you, I will stay out of that mess and let the committee decide what they will.” Bailey is smart; we know this. The problem, however, is that today, of all days, she has requested to have Ben on her service. She’s gotten word of his less-than-stellar evaluations from attendings and wants to see him in action for herself. Ben is an excellent doctor, but he does seem to have trouble adhering to protocols, thinking he knows better than everyone else and ignoring the employee hierarchy. Ben doesn’t love rules; we know this. So, when Ben hears that the committee is deciding between Tasha getting the liver or their patient Lisa, even though Bailey explicitly tells her husband to drop it, he heads over to the meeting to advocate for Lisa.
The committee gives Lisa the liver. Ben is smug as hell. Bailey is grateful for the ruling but is annoyed about Ben once again bucking the rules and her direct orders. Nick, however, refuses to give up on his patient. Meredith thinks he’s taking this too personally — that he obviously sees her and their future in Tasha. Nick tells her that not everything is about her, which is honestly hilarious on a show called Grey’s Anatomy. Regardless, he refuses to just drop this. He knows that having Alzheimer’s shouldn’t immediately prevent someone from a lifesaving transplant. And so, our whiz of a transplant surgeon comes up with an ingenious idea and presents it to both teams of doctors: They could do a split liver transplant. Bailey’s patient Lisa could be fine with just a third of this donor liver acting as a bridge to help Lisa’s own liver heal in time. Tasha could then have the other two-thirds, which actually works out because originally Nick was worried that the donor liver was too big for Tasha anyway. Everybody wins. Nick is a hero, and both patients wind up with a lifesaving liver transplant that day.
Alas, Catherine still won’t speak to Evynn, but Meredith tells her that she’s sure she’ll come around eventually — Catherine is all about family sticking together. She also tells Evynn about her own experience caring about someone with Alzheimer’s, and it makes Evynn feel like a real dummy. “My research is always about the people; I never forget that,” she says to once and for all refute that previous accusation. Meredith gets a few other wins in this episode too. Richard, in his own way, apologizes for blaming her for withholding information about Catherine. Okay, well, he never actually says I’m sorry, but he does tell her that he understands why she did what she did. Our favorite pseudo father/daughter duo on this series can stop sniping at each other now. Then, back at the hotel, she and Nick finally broach the subject of how Tasha and Evynn really hit a nerve for them. Nick explains that it wasn’t about seeing Meredith in Tasha but rather seeing himself in Evynn. He knows that he too would do absolutely anything to help her — he would never stop fighting for her. She feels the same. “I can’t imagine my life without you,” she tells Nick. He feels the same. Very rude of Grey’s Anatomy to keep all this lovey-dovey stuff hidden away from us in Boston, is it not?
Unfortunately, this experience doesn’t bring all the involved couples the same happy ending. Bailey is upset with Ben. He is a resident here on a trial basis, and he needs to stay in his lane. He needs to listen to his superiors. But Ben doesn’t want to hear it. He is always going to do what (he thinks) is best for his patient, regardless of orders and rules, and he hopes that his boss — meaning Bailey — can see that he always has his patients’ best interests at heart. Something tells me this isn’t going to end well; I’m just over here keeping my fingers crossed that “not ending well” doesn’t mean another impromptu hallway C-section for ol’ Ben Warren. Again, know your history!
Love on the brain
Anybody else very in on Kwan and Molly’s reunion? She’s back from breaking up with her boyfriend/almost-fiancé, and she and Kwan are being very cute in the kitchen over breakfast until she starts having a seizure. It’s scary, and what’s even scarier is that she’s been having grand mal seizures on and off since the accident. Kwan wants her to get checked out, and, well, isn’t it convenient that his new best friend, Lucas, is on the neuro chief’s service that day? Isn’t it even luckier that the neuro chief happens to be Lucas’ aunt? Lucas refuses to ask Amelia for any favors, but he does agree to sneak Molly and Kwan in and run an EEG for them. Naturally, they get caught, but apparently Amelia has nothing better going on and is happy to take a closer look at Molly. Aunts rule!
When Amelia gets a closer look at Molly’s brain, she diagnoses her with temporal lobe epilepsy. It’s serious and, without surgery, will only get worse. Molly is adamant: She does not want any more surgeries. The last time she had surgery, she woke up without her memories; she refuses to risk that again. Kwan tries to reason with her, telling her that it is very unlikely to happen, and if she doesn’t get the surgery, she’ll be living with debilitating seizures for the rest of her life. He doesn’t want to see her hurt like that, and he doesn’t want her to give up her future — their future — out of fear. Amelia eventually has to kick Kwan out for coercing a patient into having surgery, and the man is despondent. When he later learns that after talking to Amelia, Molly has decided to speak to her neurologist to try to find some new medication that might help, he can’t believe that after everything, this is how it’s going to end. “She’s the love of my life,” he tells Lucas, who basically responds, act like it then. Kwan needs to make sure Molly knows he is there for her, no matter what.
Back at home, that’s exactly what he does. The night she drove off before her accident, the two of them were deciding what to do about their wedding in light of Kwan’s cheating. She needed time to think, and she asked him to wait for her. “I’m still waiting for you, Molly. As long as it takes, I’ll wait.” Molly’s been thinking things over again, and now she has a proposition for Kwan: She’ll get the surgery he wants her to have, but while she’s on the table, she wants Amelia to try an experimental procedure she’s been reading about — one that could possibly give her back her memories. “More than anything, I want to remember you,” she says when Kwan asks about the complete change of heart. I guess now it’s in Amelia’s (very skilled) hands, but we know how she feels about taking on seemingly impossible cases.
Who knew a scavenger hunt could have such grave consequences?
While Kwan and Molly are over there betting on each other and planning for a future together, mostly the opposite is happening with Owen and Teddy. We knew this was coming, people. Owen spends most of the day hyping up three college kids at the hospital as part of a scavenger hunt that Owen once participated in when he was in school. He even seems cool with the fact that the kids are so into this game that one of them eventually gets injured walking into the MRI machine room while the things are turned on and ends up needing surgery. You’d think Owen would be rankled by this, but he is not. The man absolutely lives for this scavenger hunt. Owen contains multitudes. (You know who is rankled by it? Jules, who is still pretty down post-Mika but does opt for a night out at Joe’s by the end of the episode, so things are looking up.) Owen is mostly paying attention to the little 20-something love story playing out before him. His patient Cameron is obviously in love with his best friend, Andrea, who is sleeping with their other friend Dev and a few other guys. At Owen and Winston’s urging, Cameron confesses his love to his friend, but she gently has to let him down. It’s not that she doesn’t love him — he is her best friend — she just isn’t ready to settle down with one person. She gets different things from different people, and that really works for her.
Now, I would like to remind Owen that he’s listening to a 20-year-old here, but all it does is make him think a little bit more about his marriage and his growing feelings for Nora.
Little does he know, Teddy is spending much of her day with Cass, who is hanging out at the hospital while her husband gets a colonoscopy. There is still a lot of flirting going on between the two women and an undeniable spark. I mean, how could you not fall for someone who volunteers to do a PowerPoint presentation for you out of the goodness of their heart? That is the dream, people!
At the end of the day, as Teddy and Owen find each other to go home, he decides to come clean about Nora kissing him the last time she was in the hospital. Nothing happened, he pulled away, but they have been texting ever since, and it is starting to feel like something. Instead of getting upset or hurt, Teddy confesses that she’s been talking to Cass, and she thinks she is attracted to her. Neither of them knows what this means for their relationship. The only thing they do know for sure is that they love each other. “What’s gonna happen with us?” a teary Teddy asks Owen. When you guys have an answer, by all means, please tell us. Inquiring minds really want to know.