Will Trent Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Have You Never Been to A Wedding?

That was an action-packed wedding.

Will assumed he was being a good friend by agreeing to escort Faith and Jeremy to a wedding. He never dreamed they’d be fighting for their lives.

But, multiple gunmen held the wedding guests hostage on Will Trent Season 2 Episode 7 as Will, Faith, and Jeremy saved the day.

We’ve seen Will and Faith’s partnership evolve since the beginning of the series, but in “Have You Never Been to A Wedding,” we saw how in tune they were to each other.

Will understood that Faith felt insecure attending her friend’s wedding, so he promised to make her look important.

Trent, Will Trent Season 2 Episode 7

Faith has always worried about what others think of her because she was a teen mom and raised Jeremy alone.

This installment explored Faith and Jeremy’s complex relationship, and how she always wanted more for her son, but he had his dreams.

It was entertaining to watch Will referee, try to be the cool “uncle,” and support Faith as she melted down.

In many ways, it was ironic that Will impersonated James Bond because they needed someone like that to solve this crime at the wedding. Faith is more than a side-kick Bond girl, though. She’s her own badass, and they both owned it.

Sensing Danger - Will Trent Season 2 Episode 7

Even though Jeremy annoyed her when Will and Faith heard gunshots and saw multiple gunmen with hostages. Naturally, the first thing Faith did was discretely check for her son.

As soon as Will heads downstairs, he remembers the night Sleeveless Jack killed his wife. This was Ramon Rodriguez’s best work, as he tried not to display his emotional trauma so he could keep Jeremy and his friends calm and safe.

Will always felt responsible for keeping others safe, evidenced by the numerous flashbacks of Will’s younger foster siblings begging him to intervene and help.

This prompted him to ask the gunmen to remove the dead body from the reception to make the hostages feel more at ease.

Hands Up - Will Trent Season 2 Episode 7

While this episode was one of Will Trent’s most traumatic, it also included humor, mainly the code names. Will impersonates Ricky Morales, the defense attorney, and gets Dominique, one of the gunmen, to trust him.

It was even better having the gunmen use their code names from infamous Atlanta Hawks players. Will was so smooth as he tried to convince Dominque to let the hostages go. He almost had him, too, until Stede and Christian, the waiter, realized a guest was missing.

Since she couldn’t find a gun, Faith made a makeshift weapon by filling a sock with decorative stones. Faith was a total badass and defended herself with that weapon against Christian.

When he pinned her against a table, she stabbed him with a fondue fork. Even though she was terrified, Faith was determined to save the day.

Faith's Plan - Will Trent Season 2 Episode 7

Faith was old school and believed that sending a fax to APD would bring help, but she needed a pen.

Using Miss Patty to fake an asthma attack was also entertaining, as Will could sneak upstairs to discuss options with Faith.

Playing the Cha Cha slide to lure Stede to Faith was genius, and Faith exhibited some great fighting moves, but she overplayed her hand.

The gunmen turn on Dominque and tell Will to open the safe or Jeremy’s friend, Colin, will die, and Stede threatens Jeremy’s life.

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