You might think Aiden is the obvious match for Lucky’s son on General Hospital, given that he’s Lucky’s biological child. But when you look closer, it’s actually Cameron who mirrors Lucky in more ways than one. Here’s why Cameron better fits the bill as Lucky’s true son.
Unlucky in Love
Lucky Spencer (Jonathan Jackson) is no stranger to heartbreak. From his turbulent relationships with Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) and his failed marriages to Sam (ex-Kelly Monaco) and Siobhan (ex-Erin Chambers), Lucky has had his fair share of romantic misfortune. Meanwhile, Cameron (William Lipton) may not have lost anyone in a tragic way, but he has faced his own heartache. He had an on-again, off-again romance with Josslyn (Eden McCoy), only to see it end when she chose someone else. Despite his current happiness with a new girlfriend, there’s always the question of whether he and Josslyn’s love story will come full circle—something we’ve seen with Lucky and Elizabeth’s relationship too.
A Love for Music
Lucky’s talent for music has been one of his defining traits. From serenading Elizabeth to performing at the Nurses Ball as a teenager, Lucky’s love for music was ever-present. Now, Cameron, too, has taken up the musical mantle. He may not have inherited Lucky’s voice or skills by blood, but his passion for music—especially with his guitar—is undeniable. Just like his pseudo-dad Lucky, Cameron has performed at the Nurses Ball and played for Josslyn. Interestingly, both actors, Jonathan Jackson and William Lipton, share a passion for music outside of their acting careers. Lipton even performs with his band, The Runarounds, who appeared on General Hospital in 2022.
Hair Twins
While this might seem like a trivial observation, the resemblance between Lucky and Cameron’s hair is uncanny. With their signature long, wavy locks, the two could easily pass for father and son. Lipton himself has commented on how his hairstyle during his recent GH episodes is much more “Lucky” than his usual Cameron look, further highlighting the visual connection between them.
So, while Aiden may be Lucky’s biological son, it’s Cameron who truly embodies Lucky’s spirit, from his relationship struggles to his musical talents and even his hair. Could Cameron be the son Lucky always needed? We’d love to hear your thoughts—let us know in the comments!