What do you know about the movie ‘The Godfather’?

What do you know about the movie ‘The Godfather’?
Answer multiple choice questions to learn about “The Godfather” – the occasion of this world cinema masterpiece celebrating its 50th anniversary of release.

The Godfather directed by Francis Ford Coppola first hit theaters on March 13, 1972 at a premiere in New York, USA. After 50 years, the work is ranked a classic by international critics, inspiring many generations of directors. The American Film Institute (AFI) ranked The Godfather second in the list of “100 best cinematographic works”, just behind Citizen Kane.

Question 1: How many Oscars did The Godfather win?

a. Three prizes

b. Seven awards

c. 11 awards

Question 2: How long did it take director Francis Ford Coppola to film?

a. 94 days

b. 78 days

c. 62 days

Question 3: How many guests did tycoon Vito Corleone (played by Marlon Brando) receive at the meeting on his daughter’s wedding day at the beginning of the movie?

a. Two people

b. Three people

c. Four people

Question 4: In which region of Italy is the Corleone family’s hometown?

a. Tuscany

b. Sardinia

c. Sicily

Question 5: Is the dead horse head that appears on the bed of character Jack Woltz (played by John Marley) in the movie real or fake?

a. Real

b. Fake

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