Michael Scott is known for being a hilarious character in The Office, but he also received several very emotional scenes throughout the series. Michael Scott’s most emotional scene was included in The Office season 3, and proved how different he was from Ricky Gervais’ David Brent. The Office is a remake of the British comedy series of the same name. For the U.S. version of the show, Steve Carell portrays the main character. In the first season of The Office, Carell’s portrayal of Michael Scott is quite similar to Gervais’ David Brent, who was the manager in the British version.
However, as the show progresses, it becomes clear that Michael Scott is completely different from David Brent. This change begins in The Office season 2, but is even more evident in the show’s third season. While Michael Scott is often known for his antics with Dwight in The Office, he also has a very special relationship with Pam. Even though this relationship is one-sided at times, Michael Scott supporting Pam in one episode of The Office season 3 proves how much he actually cares for his employees.
Michael Going To Pam’s Art Show Is The Office’s Most Emotional Scene
Michael Believes In Pam In The Office
In The Office season 3, episode 16, titled “Business School,” Michael is invited as a guest speaker for Ryan’s business class, which unsurprisingly goes terribly. Meanwhile, Pam invites all her coworkers to her art show. However, no one from The Office actually shows up to the art gallery. Oscar and his boyfriend, Gil, visit the art gallery, but Pam overhears them criticizing her work. Gil even rudely refers to Pam’s art as “motel art.“
By the end of the episode, Pam is heartbroken that her hard work wasn’t recognized. Just as she is taking down her drawings, Michael shows up. Unlike everyone else who visited the gallery, Michael is immediately in awe of Pam’s art. He expresses how proud he is of her, and even offers to buy a drawing of the office. After a tough night, Michael’s comments mean so much to Pam, and prove how kindhearted he really is.
“Business School” Confirmed How Different Michael Had Become Compared To Season 1
Michael Scott Changed Throughout The Series
In The Office season 1, Michael is shown to be ignorant, offensive, and very immature. By the end of season 1, Michael is basically a copy of David Brent from the U.K. version of the show. However, it became the writer’s goal to differentiate Michael Scott from David Brent in The Office season 2. Throughout the show’s second season, he still has some negative qualities, but also has several heartwarming moments that allow viewers to root for him.
By The Office season 3, it is very noticeable how much Michael has changed as a character. This touching moment between Michael and Pam is not only one of the most emotional moments of the season, but also arguably the best moment of the entire series. Michael buying Pam’s painting and hanging it in the office shows that he cares about his employees more than anything else. The Office’s series finale also ends with a shot of Pam’s painting, which makes this scene even more significant in the grand scheme of the show.
Michael Scott Not Being A Copy Of David Brent Made Steve Carell’s Character So Much Better
Michael Scott Is One Of The Best Sitcom Characters Ever
Initially, Michael Scott’s transition away from David Brent’s characteristics is very subtle. In The Office season 2, Michael usually just receives one minor moment every episode which proves that he is actually a good person. However, as the show goes on, it becomes more and more clear that Michael truly is a person with good intentions. Even though he still acts immaturely at times in the later seasons of the show, it is clear that he wants what is best for his friends and employees.
If Michael remained the same character he was in season 1, it is unlikely the show would have lasted as long as it did.
It is a good thing that the writers of The Office actively tried to redeem Michael after the first season. If Michael remained the same character he was in season 1, it is unlikely the show would have lasted as long as it did. Michael was extremely unlikable in The Office season 1, but his eventual exit in the seventh season is so heartbreaking because he becomes one of the best sitcom characters of all time. Therefore, if Michael never differentiated himself from David Brent, touching moments like him visiting Pam’s art show wouldn’t have been possible in The Office