The Name Of Michael Scott’s Kids Aren’t The Only Fun Name Details The Office Hid From Us

The names of Michael Scott’s two kids have officially been revealed over a decade after The Office‘s series finale aired, but that’s not the only fun name detail the show has been hiding from fans. Michael left The Office during season 7 after deciding to move to Colorado with Holly when they got engaged. The Office ran for nine seasons before ending in 2013 with a two-part series finale. Steve Carell made a surprise return for The Office‘s ending, but he wasn’t the only character supposed to reprise their role.

Amy Ryan was initially set to appear as Holly alongside Michael to attend Dwight and Angel’s wedding in The Office series finale. Her brief appearance would have also unveiled a significant detail surrounding Michael and Holly’s children. The Office series finale planned to reveal Michael and Holly’s kids with dialogue revealing the names of their two sons. According to The Office Ladies podcast, the scripted line for Holly confirmed the kids’ names were “Chebonshur and Lowshebin” before adding that “Michael named them” due to the “feeling he had when he first saw them.” He also named another Scott family member most fans don’t know about.

The Office Also Cut A Season 7 Scene That Revealed The Name Of Michael Scott’s Puppy

Michael Named His Dog After A Special Co-Worker


In addition to The Office series finale’s cut scene, which would have revealed the names of Michael and Holly’s kids, the show also didn’t feature a sequence that would have given insight into another Scott family member. In season 7’s “The Inner Circle,” a deleted scene revealed how Michael Scott named his new puppy “Pamela Beagsley” after he moved to Colorado. The 2011 episode came right after “Goodbye, Michael,” which featured Steve Carell’s exit from The Office season 7.

The cut scene at the 4:07 mark in the video above came as a talking head featuring Pam and Jim as the workplace struggled with DeAngelo Vickers’ approach as Michael’s replacement. Will Ferrell’s DeAngelo was initially thought to be a suitable boss to fill the void left by Michael, but that belief was short-lived as he began playing favorites within the office, leaving out the female employees. Pam was worried about DeAngelo’s acceptance of her before Jim countered how close she became with Michael, reminding her that her former boss ended up naming his Beagle puppy after her in a sweet detail.

Michael’s Dog Proves How Special His Relationship Was With Pam In The Office

There’s No Doubt That Michael & Pam Had A Special Bond

Michael naming his dog Pamela Beagsley might not be a complete shock, but it’s still unfortunate that The Office cut the scene. As implied by Jim, Michael and Pam had a very unique bond. He may not have been the most professional boss. In fact, there were plenty of reasons why Michael probably should have been fired throughout The Office. Still, he treated many of his employees like family, especially when it came to Pam.

…discovering that Michael named his new dog after Pam right when he moved to Colorado proves how much he cared for her.

Michael and Pam’s final scene in “Goodbye, Michael” was one of the most emotional moments in the farewell episode. Years later, discovering that Michael named his new dog after Pam right when he moved to Colorado proves how much he cared for her. Michael returns in The Office‘s series finale episode, where he reunited with his friends and former co-workers for the first time after he moved away. Pam happily provided updates on Michael’s family life, but the scene is even more special after knowing more about Chebonshur, Lowshebin, and Pamela Beagsley.

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