The Cosby Show, which aired from 1984 to 1992, introduced the world to the Huxtable family—an affluent, loving African American family. At the heart of the show were the Huxtable kids, each with their unique personality and journey. While the show was groundbreaking in its portrayal of a successful Black family, the cast members who portrayed these kids have each carved their own paths in the entertainment industry. Here’s a look at where the Huxtable kids are today.
Malcolm-Jamal Warner as Theo Huxtable
Theo Huxtable, the only son of Dr. Cliff and Clair Huxtable, was played by Malcolm-Jamal Warner. Theo was relatable and often dealt with the pressures of being the only male child in a family of overachievers. After The Cosby Show, Warner pursued a diverse career, taking on roles in Malcolm & Eddie, Reed Between the Lines, and The Resident. In addition to acting, Warner is an advocate for Black identity and culture. His Grammy-nominated album Hiding in Plain View and his podcast Not All Hood explore the complexities of Black life in America. Warner has successfully transitioned from child star to a prominent figure in the entertainment and cultural landscape.
Lisa Bonet as Denise Huxtable
Lisa Bonet portrayed the free-spirited and rebellious Denise Huxtable. Denise’s journey from college to joining the U.S. Navy made her an iconic character. After The Cosby Show, Bonet’s career took a more artistic turn with roles in films like Angel Heart and High Fidelity. She became a cultural icon, especially with her marriage to actor Jason Momoa. Though they separated in 2022, Bonet remains a respected figure in Hollywood, known for her independent spirit and selective roles.
Keshia Knight Pulliam as Rudy Huxtable
As the youngest of the Huxtable kids, Keshia Knight Pulliam’s Rudy was beloved for her charm and sharp wit. Pulliam continued acting after The Cosby Show, with guest roles in Tyler Perry’s House of Payne and other projects. However, she also ventured into business, launching her own production company and children’s book series. Pulliam has used her platform to advocate for women and children’s rights. She appeared on The Celebrity Apprentice and continues to inspire others with her entrepreneurial spirit.
Tempestt Bledsoe as Vanessa Huxtable
Tempestt Bledsoe portrayed Vanessa Huxtable, the more serious and intellectual middle child. After The Cosby Show, Bledsoe appeared in Guys with Kids and had guest roles on various shows. While she stepped back from acting for a while, she remains active in television production. Bledsoe has continued to work in Hollywood, balancing acting and producing with a quieter presence compared to her co-stars.
Sabrina Le Beauf as Sondra Huxtable
Sondra, the oldest Huxtable child, was portrayed by Sabrina Le Beauf. Known for her academic success and later marrying Elvin, Sondra represented the more “perfect” child of the family. After The Cosby Show, Le Beauf focused on theater, where she received critical acclaim. She has worked behind the scenes to support African American theater and continues to be an advocate for the arts, remaining active in Hollywood in a more understated way.
A Legacy That Continues
The Huxtable kids were central to The Cosby Show, which helped redefine representations of African American families in the media. While the actors’ paths diverged after the show ended, they have each built impressive careers that reflect the diversity of their talents. From acting to music to business and advocacy, the legacy of the Huxtable kids lives on, proving that their impact reaches far beyond their roles on television.