The Good Doctor Season 5 Episode 5: “Crazytown” Quotes

Lim: How did it end between you and Mateo? Sorry, that’s none of my business. You don’t have to answer that.
Rosa: No, it’s okay. He used to go away on medical missions all the time, sometimes without warning. I’d find a little gift, a book or something. And then he’d come back and for a while everything would be fine. But then one time he didn’t come back. I waited for a long time. In fact, too long.

My clients are finally in agreement with each other but not with me.

Asher: Before I got into this program, I heard all about you, that you were tough but fair. I didn’t understand until I met you. Everyone who works with you becomes a better doctor because of you. I would hate for you to put everything you’ve worked for on the line for someone who isn’t willing to do the same for you.
Lim: Thank you. And don’t ever try to give me advice again.

When Emily was a little girl, she used to help me in the store. Make a mess, more like it. She’d disappear in the middle of stocking fasteners. I’d find her hiding behind the counter. Someone said something mean and she was upset. That’s the way of the world. I sell hammers to people who hate me.

Man: I’ve always taken care of myself.
Park: And without this procedure, you’d have a year at most.
Man: I’d better make it count, then.

Park: It’s hard to tell where the brain ends and the tumor begins. It’s inoperable.
Shaun: I am definitely going to get a bad review.

Woman: Our people are getting hurt out there.
Father: Our people. It’s not Us vs Them.

Salen: I don’t have a problem with Mateo. I have a problem with you flying in an uninsured patient without informing me.
Lim: Do I still have the autonomy to run my department or not?
Salen: You should think of yourself as more than just the head of a department. You are part of the Epicure family.

Asher: This chart looks like it’s from 1985.
Lim: Try Guatemala. Mateo sent us here because they didn’t have the equipment there.

Salen: I don’t have a problem with Mateo. I have a problem with you flying in an uninsured patient without informing me.
Lim: Do I still have the autonomy to run my department or not?
Salen: You should think of yourself as more than just the head of a department. You are part of the Epicure family.

Asher: This chart looks like it’s from 1985.
Lim: Try Guatemala. Mateo sent us here because they didn’t have the equipment there.

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