Did Steffy overstep and go too far?
The Bold and the Beautiful recap for March 6 saw Steffy commit to Finn, Finn keeping a secret, and Hope getting in Daphne Rose’s face.
What Happened Today On The Bold and the Beautiful?
Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) was confused about what Finn’s (Tanner Novlan) point was. What more could he possibly tell her about Luna (Lisa Yamada)? Well, where she is right now. Steffy went off about Luna being in jail and how grateful she was that the woman who tried to kill her is locked away. Hearing that, Finn decided against telling Luna exactly where Luna is and opted to instead ask Steffy what’s next for them.
Steffy made it clear their marriage is her number one priority, and she’s not going anywhere. She promised to stand by his side. Poor Finn got so emotional all he could do was hold her and apologize (all while keeping mum on where his child is living). He even kept quite while Steffy was pledging her love and devotion to their life together, despite everything. Unfortunately, Steffy may have gone too far by asking Finn to never think or speak about Luna again.
An Uncertain Future
As for Luna, Dollar Bill (Don Diamont) came home to find her crying as she reflected on Finn’s bombshell reveal. He’s her father. She didn’t seem quite ready to tell Bill about the whole situation yet, though. Especially not after he touted how much he’s come to trust her in his house to follow all the rules. Oops. Oh, if he only knew.
Luna told Bill she felt like her whole life keeps changing…but for the better this time. She then tested the waters by bringing up her dad and mentioned her wish that Tom isn’t her father. What if Poppy (Romy Park) isn’t her only living parent? While Bill thought that was interesting, he didn’t catch onto the fact this was more than wishful thinking.
Meanwhile, over at the Forrester mansion, Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) and Taylor (Rebecca Budig) discussed the drama in Finn’s family and its effects on their daughter. What if Finn feels obligated to Luna? Where will that leave Steffy? When is their daughter going to have a normal, sane life? They made a solemn vow to keep their daughter safe and were confident Finn would do the same.
Hope and Daphne Faced Off
Over in the design room, Hope (Annika Noelle) outright asked Daphne Rose (Murielle Hilaire) if she has feelings for Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor) and confronts her about the kiss. Yes, she saw. Now, she wants answers. Daphne Rose said she shouldn’t have done that, sure, but what about what Hope’s done? Stealing Carter from his best friend? Yeah…that’s worse.
Daphne Rose then called Hope out for not recognizing how upset Carter is about the whole coup. If she truly loves Carter why won’t she see how much pain he is in? Why isn’t she working to alleviate it instead of adding to it. Hope tried to control that narrative but Daphne Rose wasn’t buying it. She knew Hope was using Carter and didn’t hide her disdain. Hope admitted she wanted revenge but denied Carter was part of her plan. She swore up and down she actually cares about him.