Station 19 Season 6 Episode 15 Review: What Are You Willing To Lose?

Station 19 Season 6 Episode 15 Review: What Are You Willing To Lose?

Andy Declines Captain - Station 19 Season 6 Episode 12
Whew, that installment had it all!

They checked off all the emotions with Station 19 Season 6 Episode 15 with things coming home to roost with the Sullivan and Natasha, those harrowing moments of worrying over Ben, and the smoking hot and emotional Marina scenes.

It was easily one of the best installments of the season thus far.
We knew that Ross and Sullivan’s relationship would come out in some capacity at some point. However, it still didn’t make the beginnings of this fallout any easier.

The whole scenario doesn’t bode well for Ross, and while she’s had some bumpy moments since she arrived, she’s part of Station 19 now.
She’s this integral part of the series and brings so much to the table that it would be difficult to see her face any hardships or issues with this situation.

Like Andy was getting at, we need her here. Ross and everything she represents, good and bad, have become vital to the series and the station.
\In a world where they consistently highlight the sexism and other -isms with this job, her very position means so much because we know how impossible it was for her to get to where she is now.

And the idea of her losing all that and getting taken down over something as simple as having the audacity to fall in love is frustrating.
And she outlined that perfectly with her speech about all the things they’ve overlooked or let slide in the department. Firefighters have endangered lives and still collected pensions.

There has been an extensive history of sexual assault and harassment. The list goes on, yet people are getting upset about her, who she slept with consensually. It just seems so absurd on the grand scale of things.

And it’s irritating to know that this fact getting out could ruin her simply because she’s a woman, and she didn’t perfectly walk the tightrope required of her and her alone as a woman of color compared to her white male counterparts this job.
You could see how guarded she was when Andy and Maya delivered the photos and news. And understandably, she was trying to make sense of Maya’s role because of their history.

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