Simon Cowell ‘wont’ retire’ and his dad’s six-word warning still echoes in his mind

Simon Cowell turns 65 this year, and he’s stacked a net worth of approximately $600 million over the course of his career. From an early age, Simon always knew he wanted to “have fun” with whatever vocation he took in life, but becoming a world-renowned music mogul may top any ideas he had as a youngster.
This June, Simon Cowell sat down with Steven Bartlett on The Diary Of A CEO podcast. He explained some details about what life was like for him growing up. Between a “disciplinarian” mom and “strict teachers” Simon’s idea for a life outside the rat race was sparked early on.
Simon ‘had a happy childhood’
When giving some backstory on how he’s come to be so successful these days, Simon delved into his younger years with Steven: “I had a happy childhood, I was always bored, though.”
The father-of-one continued: “I always wanted to have a life where I would be interested and have fun.
“When I was told school days were the best days of your life, I was thinking ‘oh my god this is terrible’, because I hate school.”

He added: “So, I was really determined to do something where I would be actually just having fun, that’s what I kept thinking to myself and I want to start making my own money.”
Parents encouraged his entrepreneurial spirit
Reflecting on his childhood, Simon explained how his parents were always supportive.
He said: “One thing my parents did do when we were very very young, because in those days you could actually, even at the age of about seven or eight, in our neighborhood, is go round to people’s houses, knock on their door.”
Simon explained how he’d ask his neighbors: “Can I wash your car? Can I mow the lawn?” as his mum and dad said: “If we pay for the holiday, you’ve got to earn your spending money.”
He adds: “So, I’m like ‘fine’. I used to love it.”
Simon’s father’s words always stuck with him
Speaking of his late parents Julie and Eric, Simon said: “When I lost them it was the most devastating thing that ever happened in my life, it was as bad as things could possibly be. We just had the most amazing relationship.”
He explained: “My mum was the disciplinarian, I must have been about four years old, and I was sitting in the car, and she said ‘Manners maketh the man’ and it always stuck in my head.”
Simon said how both of his parents were “very old school,” adding: “They were very respectful to everyone and I looked up to both of them.”
He could rely on them, adding: “I always knew at any time I could go to them if I needed advice.”
When it comes to Simon’s work ethic, he says he always remembers something his father said to him about careers.
He told Steven: “My dad worked for a large corporation, and before he retired he said to me ‘Don’t work for a large company’ because when you’re 65 or whatever they’re going to retire you, and you’ll never hear from them again.
“… And that is exactly what happened to my dad, and it was heartbreaking because he did work hard, and he was a very loyal person to the company.”
Simon said when his father passed away, he “didn’t have any money.”
The record-producing pro added: “…that’s probably what made me realize I don’t want to be in that position and secondly, the only way I can achieve that is by working for myself.”
After a lifetime of working for himself, Simon tells Hello! he doesn’t have plans to retire: “Oh God no. I’ll probably drop dead doing what I’m doing. As long as I think there’s a need or a purpose and it’s something I can do well, I’m up for it”.

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