Whether you know Jamie Dornan from the playful beginning of his on-screen career (likely the 50 Shades era your mum eagerly refers to) or his more recent, more earnest work in Belfast, we can likely all agree to having wondered in passing what his life is actually like. Well, let me tell you – aside from his odd coffee habits – it’s pretty normal. Reality TV warts and all.
Meeting in a quiet and comfortable room away from the hubbub of Diet Coke’s ‘This Is My Taste’ launch event (of which he is an ambassador), I sat down with Dornan on a particularly squishy sofa to discuss his home, his family and everything on his off-duty life.
Let’s kick off with your kitchen, what are your essentials there?
We love cookbooks, my wife was away last week and I put up shelves. Well, no, I’m terrible at that… I had someone else put up shelves to display all our cookbooks. Have you heard of Spooning with Rosie? It’s a brilliant cookbook and the one we’ve used the most over the years. It’s a staple. My wife is an unbelievable cook. That, and we are totally religious about having a roast every Sunday even if the kids don’t really like it yet.
I’m a two-coffees-a-day kind of guy. In the morning I have coffee and I put a big lump of butter in it. I don’t know what the fuck it does to be honest with you, but I heard an athlete do it and I thought I’ll join in. I’ll add collagen too. My wife is one of those people who has a million fucking potions and I’ll have a go at putting them in anything. Tiny splash of honey too, that sets me off. I’m at my happiest in the kitchen with my dog, my wife and our endless children asking for snacks.
And what do you do in the evening?
We’re really into listening to music on my record player and playing cards. Our living room isn’t quite finished yet though so we’re still sitting on the sofa and watching, like, Love Is Blind UK on TV. Marvelling at the weirdness of people. It’s mad, isn’t it? I don’t usually watch reality TV but this job I’m doing, it’s like part of the culture. I couldn’t converse with people unless I’d seen this fucking show and it’s pulled me in. I’m in. What’s wrong with these people?
Primary E turntable
Richer Sounds
Loewe Roasted Hazelnut Scented Candle
Mr Porter
Are you a scented candle guy?
Love a scented candle. In fact, when we viewed this new house there were a lot of scented candles going on. We even asked what they were so that we could have some of the smells around that were the first smells we felt in the house. It’s really nice. We literally walked in like, yep we’re going to buy this house, we’re going to spend way too much money on this house. Love candles.
I’m also a big reader, historically a big reader. I find it hard when I’m working, though, and I have a million lines to learn. Nobody in the world reads more than my wife, but I’ve just started reading All The Colours of The Dark and I’m loving that. Love reading but I feel guilty reading for fun when I’m working.
Let’s talk about clothing and your wardrobe, what do you gravitate towards?
I hate being uncomfortable. For work, I’m forced into all sorts of stuff. I like really classic stuff. Everlane for trousers, white T-shirts all come from Uniqlo – my wardrobe is like Patrick Bateman’s, I’m a neat freak. I have labels. I have a white T-shirt section, a coloured T-shirt section… and I pretty much wear the same fucking thing every day. My wife is chaos and I can’t even look at her side of the wardrobe.
I like jackets from Universal Works – well-made basics. I’m not a loud fashion or trend follower. I keep it simple. I’m never out of trainers. I’m in Nike Air Max a lot. They’re so comfortable. They’re quite clean actually aren’t they? I have a Missy Elliott level of white trainers. I have a lot of trainers.
Let’s talk about skincare – are you into that?
I’ve got three kids. I don’t look after myself. I’m lucky that when I’m working someone is looking after my face. There’s enough residual looking-after to see me through when I’m off… and when I’m off I’ll usually grow a wild, yeti beard. It’s quite freeing.
Philips Series 9000 Prestige Beard Trimmer for GQ
Series 9000 Prestige Beard Trimmer
£130 £95
Image may contain: Bottle, Shampoo, Cosmetics, and Perfume
Beard Shampoo
Once you’re wound down… do you have any sleep essentials?
I listen to brown noise to get to sleep. I go to sleep with my phone going “shhhhhhh” all night. I do have an Audible Sleep Sounds with Jamie Dornan that I recorded in Covid that is apparently incredibly effective.
You know what, I’ve been filming in a water tank in Belgium for the last ten days and I heard something being played over the tannoy and I thought, my god who is that talking… and it was me. They were playing my sleep sounds over the tannoy to the entire crew. I probably made about 4p off of that.