S.W.A.T.: Main Characters, Ranked By Likability

Cop shows can come in all forms. From comedy types such as Castle to awesome storylines shows like The Wire, there has never been a shortage of drama-filled TV where cops are concerned. CBS has hit the jackpot in terms of action with S.W.A.T. If you’re looking for a cop show with some of the best gadgets and tactical moves, the lives of Hondo, Street, Tan, Chris, and the rest of the crew are exactly what’s needed.

The details are fairly similar to Blue Bloods and other cop shows but watching how these officers control the streets then struggle with their everyday lives makes their characters worth keeping an eye on.

Daniel Harrelson Sr

Daniel Sr in S.W.A.T.

A proud man who didn’t understand the definition of responsibility in his younger years. Father and son are often at odds. Hondo wanted him to never forget the past while his dad wants to forget it and make amends. Despite the gap between the two, Hondo has accepted his dad for who he is.

Daniel Sr. has cancer. He’s still hard-headed as ever but listening to the advice he gives to his son Hondo about life has been priceless.

Jessica Cortez

Jessica in S.W.A.T.

Jessica is the one character where the writers for S.W.A.T. made a huge error. It was cool to make her the Commander but going against the rules so early in the show with a relationship with Hondo was not a good move. Instead of giving it a green light like the ones on Chicago PD, it was used against her to halt her career.

Cops dating other cops go against the TV grain so why have her begin the show with a strike against her? Jessica was a master at going undercover and would have given anything to come out of the office and mix it up with her team. She fit well with the rest of the cast and it would have been a joy to see her character grow over the seasons.

Victor Tan

Tan in S.W.A.T.

Victor Tan, much like Chris and Hondo has had to deal with his fair share of rude comments from fellow officers and this is not just from within the force. But Tan can handle himself. He’s smart, a go-getter, and plays by the rules.

His private life, for the most part of the show, has remained that–private. He’s engaged but even that has been pretty hush. Tan, much like everyone on S.W.A.T, strives to be the best. However, unlike some of the other team members, Tan never lets that get in the way of his job.

David ‘Deacon’ Kay

Deacon in S.W.A.T.

The leader job was supposed to be handed down to David after Buck was forced off the job. Instead, it was Hondo who was given the responsibility. David, while accepting his lesser role, held a slight twinge of jealousy towards Hondo. But David came around and in all fairness, he’s just as tactical as Hondo.

What makes Deac stand out is that he’s a pure family man outside the job. While the others are basically still searching, David’s main goal is to make it home every night. Often dealing with money troubles, Deac always finds a way to make the tough situations work in his favor.

Dominique Luca

Luca in S.W.A.T.

Luca was built for S.W.A.T. He’s 3rd Generation and takes that to heart. He goes out and performs on the streets then comes home and looks to clean up his neighborhood. Luca is a good guy. He’s the main driver for his S.W.A.T. team. While the rest of the cast forces dry humor down viewer’s throats, it’s Luca who actually provides the real humor to the show.

He’s solid and quick to help anyone in need. His relationship with Street was rocky at first but the two have managed to form a real brotherly type bond despite Street being a tad reckless.

Robert Hicks

Hicks in S.W.A.T.

Every cop show has that leader who takes crap from no one. On S.W.A.T, that’s Robert Hicks. He’s old school but looks out for his team. If there is a tough call to be made, 9 times out of 10, it’s Hicks making that call and dealing with the blow-back later. He has his fingers on the pulse of the city and while in other cop shows, some tend to fight against authority figures, Hicks has the respect of his department.

After the death of his wife, Hicks threw everything into the job and that resulted in the strained relationship between him and his son. His relationship with his daughter is solid and now that’s she dating Jim Street, he keeps an eye on both.

Christina ‘Chris’ Alonso

Chris in S.W.A.T.

Chris is the first woman on S.W.A.T, and for that, she’s a hero to women on the force. But make no mistakes about it, Chris is just as tough and egotistical as the guys she surrounded by. Chris can be soft-spoken but also use her voice with force if need be. At times she’s looked upon as a pushover but those who try are quickly reminded why she is the first woman on S.W.A.T.

Her professional life is right on cue with the men but her personal life takes heavy criticism. Chris found herself in a strange relationship with a married couple all the while not truly being honest regarding her feelings for Street. Chris has the potential to lead her own unit.

Darryl Henderson

Darryl in S.W.A.T.

Darryl was well on his way to becoming a statistic until Hondo decided to take on the responsibility of playing a father figure role in his life while his dad was in prison. Darryl was set to walk in his father’s shoes in those Los Angeles streets but Hondo changed his course. Now, enrolled in school and with a new baby, Darryl is doing whatever he can to make Hondo proud.

But now that his dad is out, Darryl is faced with a tough decision. Does he follow his dad or stay on the path that Hondo helped place in front of him? His character, although not centralized as the others, is still a major storyline for the show.

Daniel ‘Hondo’ Harrelson

Shemar Moore as Hondo in S.W.A.T.

Hondo grew up in the same streets of Los Angeles that he often protects. Hondo never expected to be handed the role as a leader, but since he’s been pegged, Hondo has proven that he’s the best and leads the best S.W.A.T. unit in Los Angeles. His professional career is solid but it’s the personal side where Hondo has to get things straight.

His family is either a thorn on his side or a blessing. His relationship with his dad is rocky, but it’s the lack of a love life that has viewers wanting more from the fearless leader.

Jim Street

Jim Street is the renegade S.W.A.T. member. From the start, Street has played by his own rules. The hotshot kid came in blazing and has not relented that title yet. While he has calmed down some, Street has had a pretty rough life. He watched his mother murder his father, he was put in foster care, then Buck gave him a shot on the force. Even with people looking out, Street has blown many chances to change his tune.

Even with his setbacks, Street is one of, if not the best on the team alongside Hondo. He’s fearless but emotional. He loves his team but his demons tend to get the best of him.

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