Snow White is finally resting in comfort after spending an unknown amount of time living with an obtrusive 6-lb. tumor.
According to Tri-County Animal Rescue, a no-kill nonprofit in Boca Raton, Florida, the 2-year-old Great Pyrenees dog recently arrived after a transfer from Palm Beach Animal Control. Snow White ended up at animal control after a Good Samaritan discovered the dog struggling on the street alone.
It was clear that Snow White needed help. She was underweight, covered in fleas, and was dragging a large tumor between her legs, which made it difficult for her to walk.
“Snow White came to us as an emergency medical case from the local Palm Beach animal care and control with a large mass and filthy matted hair full of burrs that were poking her ears and body,” Crystal Ramsey, a veterinarian at Tri-County Animal Rescue, tells PEOPLE.
A thorough exam also revealed that Snow White had three different types of intestinal parasites and was not spayed. Additionally, the rescue’s vets determined that the large tumor hanging from the dog’s abdomen — which sometimes touched the ground when Snow White stood — was connected to one of the canine’s mammary glands.
Unable to determine the type of tumor without a biopsy and concerned about Snow White’s quality of life, Tri-Country Animal Rescue scheduled surgery to remove the mass. Before the operation, the rescue dog got time to settle into the rescue and put on some weight.
The Florida nonprofit is unsure how Snow White ended up in the sorry condition she was found in, but the rescue fears that she might be a case of owner neglect and abandonment. Despite whatever horrors her past may hold, according to her caretakers, Snow White is a delight to be around.
“Snow White is an incredibly sweet and trusting dog who loves being close to people. She’s affectionate and seeks comfort by staying near me whenever I’m around her,” Ramsey says, adding that the dog is “an absolute dream to work with. I feel truly privileged to have had the opportunity to help her.”
Ramsey and Tri-County Animal Rescue’s other vets “carefully and methodically” planned Snow White’s tumor removal operation so it was as quick, painless, and effective as possible.
The procedure, which took place on Jan. 4, went “extremely well and according to plan” and was made possible by the rescue’s Lois Pope Pet Clinic, which offers low-cost vet services to community pets. Vets safely removed the tumor and performed Snow White’s spay operation in just over 45 minutes.
Tri-County Animal Rescue is now awaiting the biopsy results to determine the tumor type and create a treatment plan for Snow White.
Regardless of the biopsy results, Snow White will spend the next two weeks relaxing and recovering from the surgery. Ramsey says she has already noticed a positive change in the dog’s demeanor since the procedure, including feeling a sense of “relief” from Snow White.
“I saw her walking around and looking back at where the tumor used to be. I’d like to think she’s relieved and happy it’s gone. She handled the procedure like a true superstar!” Ramsey adds.
Snow White is not available for adoption at this time. Tri-County Animal Rescue wants to know the dog’s biopsy results before making new decisions regarding her future. While Snow White’s forever home search is on pause, Tri-County Animal Rescue has numerous other rescue pets looking for loving families.
Ramsey hopes animal lovers will consider these pets and learn from Snow White’s story that options are available when things seem dire.
“I hope people realize that facilities like the Lois Pope Pet Clinic exist to provide low-cost or even pro bono veterinary care. There’s no reason for an issue like this mass to have grown so large or persisted for so long. It’s important to seek help before an animal suffers — programs are available to assist the community,” the veterinarian says.
To learn more about Tri-County Animal Rescue’s life-saving work, including details on the Lois Pope Pet Clinic, visit the Florida rescue’s website.