Love Is Blind’s consistently low success rate has been disappointing for the last few years and has left it feeling like the show needs to make major changes in the casting process, potentially bringing in relationship experts. Throughout the last several seasons of Love Is Blind, there have been issues with the cast members being genuine toward one another in their relationships. While it’s difficult to understand who someone is by just getting to know them through a wall, Love Is Blind participants are thrown into a relationship without much help from behind the scenes.
While Love Is Blind cast members are spoken to by producers, and have each other as support systems, finding their way, and their new relationships can be very difficult. They often don’t have the tools to navigate the difficulties of trying to get to know somebody very quickly in order to make a life-changing decision. Love Is Blind season 8 displayed this thoroughly when several cast members felt like they didn’t know their partner well enough to make a commitment by the end of the season. With the success rate being so low, it’s possible that outside intervention is needed.
Love Is Blind Typically Sees One Successful Marriage Per Season
They Haven’t Had Multiple Marriages In Years
Throughout the last several seasons of Love Is Blind the series has only seen one couple per season, making it down the aisle, and saying I do. While some seasons have no couples who wind up together in the end, earlier seasons of the series saw multiple couples finding their way down the aisle and getting married. As the show has progressed, things have changed, and a lower success rate has been noticed in the last several seasons of the series. While the marriages that do happen are successful and exciting, the success rate is relatively low for the show.
Because Love Is Blind’s success rate is fairly low, the series needs to take into consideration what changes should be made to improve the process. With so many people aware of what Love Is Blind is and how the process works, the series needs to try to find a way around casting participants who are coming on the show to find attention or cloud from the series. Love Is Blind should be vetting cast members more thoroughly in the screening process before the show is filming. Finding cast members who want to get married should be the priority moving forward.
Love Is Blind Could Incorporate Relationship Experts For Better Results
The Series Could Bring In Expert Advice
Love Is Blind, which is made by the same production company that produces Married At First Sight, should consider bringing on a similar panel of relationship experts to help the couples through this difficult transition. Love Is Blind specifically has a bit more difficult of a time in bringing their couples together and making them stick because of the element of surprise regarding physicality. The couples have a hard time when they first see one another, and have to match their partner’s body to their personality.
With their couples struggling so thoroughly, Love Is Blind would be smart to bring in a panel of experts, or at least an expert per city, that they can rely on to counsel them locally. While relationship experts are not always helpful on other shows, bringing in one neutral party per city in order to counsel the couples and challenge their views of each other would be an exciting thing to try. Love Is Blind would be smart to have an unbiased outside perspective step in to help their couples achieve their goals and, hopefully, stay married.