Love Is Blind season 7 is almost over, and it’s become painfully obvious that the show needs to end. While there are at least two U.S. seasons filmed and ready to go, they shouldn’t keep casting. Love Is Blind season 7 has been a bona fide disaster, and it follows a pattern from the past few seasons of the incredibly popular Netflix series. Gone are the days of legitimate couples like Lauren Speed-Hamilton and Cameron Hamilton and Alexa Lemieux and Brennan Lemieux; there are now a bunch of overly dramatic clout chasers ready to make a buck.
Love Is Blind UK’s superior to the US version because of the genuine, mature couples featured in the season. Similarly, there have been other successful international iterations of the show in Japan, Brazil, Mexico, and more. However, the original series is out of control. While six couples got engaged in the pods, only three remain on the hit reality TV show: Ashley Adionser and Tyler Francis, Garrett Josemans and Taylor Krause, and Ramses Prashad and Marissa George. Here’s why the show needs to slam on the brakes.
Three Men On Season 7 Should’ve Never Been Cast
There have been several Love Is Blind villains over the past couple of seasons that should never have been cast. Three of the most egregious appeared on Love Is Blind season 7: Stephen Richardson, Bohdan Olinares, and Tyler. Internet sleuths do a better job of background checking cast members than producers do. For example, accusations reported by Meaww alleged that Bohdan sexually assaulted a woman he was in a casual relationship. These allegations arose during the pod episodes of the series.
Monica Davis was a pretty high maintenance and irritating woman in Love Is Blind season 7, but she didn’t deserve the treatment she got from Stephen. He clearly made her uncomfortable due to his sexual desires and needs, even telling her he wanted her to “treat [him] like a piece of meat.” Stephen also admitted to being unfaithful in the pods, but explained that he had learned his lesson. Nevertheless, he still cheated on her via texting when they got back to Washington, D.C., detailing his sexual preferences to a woman, while remaining engaged to Monica.
However, Tyler is the most unforgivable mistake production made. After the first round of episodes aired, a woman named Bri Thomas and her mother, Lovetta, began posting photos of Tyler with three children. According to Life & Style, Tyler was a sperm donor for Bri and her partner. However, he remained in his childrens’ lives, deleting all the photos from his Facebook before filming. Love Is Blind producers should have figured out that he had a complicated sperm donor situation before allowing Ashley to fall for his lies in the pods and beyond.
Cast Members Just Want To Get Famous
Love Is Blind Contestants Are Clout Chasers
Cast members from Love Is Blind seasons 1 and 2 genuinely wanted to find love through an experiment. However, clout chasers began to come out of the woodwork in season 3 and beyond. After Deepti Vempati and Natalie Lee were able to quit their full-time jobs because they could earn money influencing and podcasting, it became clear that others were trying to follow suit. While there were four successful couples in Love Is Blind season 4, seasons 5 and 6 only produced one married couple each.
Cast members like Jess, Micah, and Hannah Jiles are ruining the experiment because they’re on the show to get famous.
However, stars like Micah Lussier and Jessica Vestal have built successful influencing and modeling careers despite not getting married on the show. It’s clear that art dealer Leo Braudy only went on Love Is Blind for clout, and Hannah only stayed engaged to Nick Dorka to get more screen time. The sanctity of the experiment has been tainted by the prospect of fame because of the international popularity of the reality TV show.
Fewer Couples Actually Get Married
Will Any Couples Say Yes On Love Is Blind Season 7?
Fewer couples actually get married on Love Is Blind, making it almost as pointless as Married At First Sight. Both shows are made by the same producers, so it’s not surprising that they’re becoming more similar over time. However, Married At First Sight is a worse show because it’s too outlandish. Contestants are asked to marry complete strangers without previously meeting them.
On Love Is Blind, cast members talk in the pods for ten days, get engaged, go on honeymoons, and integrate into each other’s lives. However, too many singles go on Love Is Blind for the wrong reasons. It used to be entertaining, but it’s now time for the show to end.