Jamie Dornan’s a ‘Cool’ Dad as His Daughter Shows Interest in Following in His Footsteps

Being a parent is hard- nobody says otherwise- but when you see little glimpses of how the kids look up to you it’s well worth all the heartache.

Spare a wee thought for Jamie Dornan, who is surrounded by women in his household as he and wife Amelia Warner share three adorable daughters; Dulcie, nine, Elva, seven, and Alberta, four.

But the smitten Irishman has absolutely no issue himself with being a girl-dad – particularly as his middle child has decided that he is her hero.

Speaking to PEOPLE magazine, he said, ‘Our seven-year-old had a thing at school where she had to get up in an assembly and say what she wanted to be. She was saying she wanted to be a singer. And then at the sort of 11th hour, she changed it to actress, and she had to give three reasons why she wanted to be an actress.’

Jamie Dornan and Amelia Warner family out and about

He continued ‘I told her what I liked about it: travel, meeting different people, getting to escape into characters.’

Jamie did conceed that Elva will more than likely change her mind- but he was touched nonetheless that she would think about following in his footsteps at all.

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