1. The show has lost major players over the years.
Nene Leakes from season 1 of RHOA
When you think of RHOA, many automatically think of the iconic Season 6 cast which included Nene Leakes, Porsha Williams, Phaedra Parks, Cynthia Bailey, Kenya Moore, and Kandi Burruss. With 4 out of the 6 mentioned no longer on the show, it begs the question as to whether one of the reasons why the show was successful was because of the organic chemistry of that cast.
2. The current group is disjointed. I don’t see them being actual friends outside the show.
Every reality show, at some point, has teams and this season of RHOA is no different with Kenya, Kandi, and Drew on one team, and Sanya, Marlo, and Sheree on another. There’s nothing wrong with teams every now and then, but when it creates a clear divide in the cast, it causes a rather disjointed show. Some of the women seem more focused on their alliances on the show than getting to know one another and continuing friendships outside of their “teams.” On another hand, some of the girls don’t seem interested in each other or the show. This may be because of how disjointed the group/show is.
3. The same antics have been going on for seasons, and frankly I’m over it.
I feel like we’ve seen the girls argue about the same thing in so many different ways. We’ve seen Marlo vs. Kenya, Marlo vs. Kandi, Sheree vs. Kandi, and Drew vs. Sanya. I love a repeated argument if it’s funny (see: Sheree vs. Kenya) but when it gets to the point where the argument goes to a place of no return (Kenya vs. Marlo) it becomes exhausting to watch as a viewer.
4. There never seems to be a resolution anymore, and I don’t know if these ladies care about that or not.
Kandi Burruss talking head interview
What made RHOA once great was the way the group would eventually find a resolution with each other, at the very latest, before the next season began filming. This group has been together for two seasons and there never seems to be a resolution. For example, Marlo and Kenya have gotten to a place where Kenya doesn’t even acknowledge Marlo’s presence. If Marlo remained a friend of the show who made occasional appearances, that would be no issue. However, now that Marlo is a full-time housewife who is consistently filming, it causes group scenes to be a bit awkward.
5. Perhaps a bit controversial, but the production team is holding the show back…A LOT.
Kenya behind the scenes interview look
This could be controversial, but I think the biggest problem with RHOA is its production team. Sure, the editing is comical at times, and I truly appreciate that, but there is something about the production value that seems a bit lacking. Confessional scenes never seem to be properly lit or filmed at a consistent angle, the group trips seem to be a bit on the cheaper side and the overall story producing of the group is all over the place. Where are the scenes of the girls having fun? Where is the resolution in the group scenes? Why are girls reading off a teleprompter in some of their confessionals? The production of the show has made it stale and a bit corny at times. The overall organic chemistry of the group has somewhat to do with its cast but relies heavily on its production team as well. I feel like a producer’s job is to make sure the women are being authentic with each other and with themselves and I just don’t see that this season.
So, ultimately, this is why I think a reboot of the show is needed.
After seeing the greatness that The Real Housewives of Miami reboot gave us, I feel like it’s only right that RHOA gets the same treatment. A reboot could bring a new audience to show, while also reinventing what RHOA is about. We need new graphics and different shots of Atlanta so we can know more about the city. Let’s see the girls shopping, or going out to social events that give us a glimpse into what ATL is about. That is a rarity on the show nowadays.
So…here’s what a reboot would look like to me.
What’s fun about a reboot is that the overall direction of the show could change.
First, I would put the show on pause for about a year or so just to figure everything out and give the show a bit of a breather. Secondly, I would move RHOA to Peacock. This would mainly be to revitalize the show and introduce it to newer audiences. I would love to see the show take a more fun yet sophisticated approach. Let’s see women of Atlanta who have made their mark and have an actual love and connection for the city of Atlanta. The RHOM reboot casting was perfect for this exact reason.
With a reboot comes some form of recasting. I think all the women on the show are great people, however, I don’t know if some of them are a fit for the show anymore. I love Sanya and Drew. They’ve brought some new life into the show for a bit, especially Drew, whose divorce storyline is carrying the second half of this current season. However…I just don’t have that much interest in them for RHOA.
I would keep Kenya mainly because I think seeing her build an empire for herself is very aspirational and she is hilarious.
I would keep Marlo because we need a villain and I think her personal storyline is fascinating, however, I want her to lean more into the fun shade of it all and not take things so seriously.
Kandi IS Atlanta, and one of the most successful housewives ever, however, I feel like she is more suited for a spin-off surrounding her incredibly dynamic family or a show that revolves around her group, XSCAPE (which, BTW, makes for GREAT television, you should check it out!). For that reason, I wouldn’t want to see her on the reboot.
Sheree would be a good “friend of.” I find her personal story a tad boring, but I like her dynamic within the group. She’s hilarious at times and brings nostalgia to the group, I just don’t think she has much going on her in personal life that’s interesting. I think her having a Marysol (RHOM) type of role on the show would be perfect.
I would bring back Porsha because she’s hilarious, good at creating fun with the group, and she’s quick to call someone out if needed. Plus, her family dynamic has proven to be great television.
No Ma’am in my Candiace Dillard Bassett voice. Kim has shown that she is never interested in filming or getting to know the other ladies and I have little to no interest in the sham divorce she’s trying to push on us. According to her (via the Season 10 reunion), her cosmetics line is super super successful and her children are even more successful than some of the ladies on the show (her words not mine), so I am sure she’ll be fine without the show.
But, I think we can also all agree that new cast members are needed to keep this show going. Here’s what I think about adding new members.
I would bring in four newbies, women with different backgrounds, and different personalities that have made their mark in the ATL. Women who are wealthy, messy, and fun. I don’t need the women to have a strong connection to the current cast, either. Let them genuinely get to know each other.
Now, don’t get it twisted, RHOA is an iconic show and will forever be recognized as such. I just think the show has gotten incredibly stale and I absolutely hate that. RHOA should still be thriving to this day and I think with some big changes that could happen. A reboot would create a new fanbase for the show and would once again prove to people why it’s one of the best.