How Many Different Cuts There Are Of The Chronological Godfather Saga

How Many Different Cuts There Are Of The Chronological Godfather Saga

The godfather franchise
The 1977 cut of The Godfather Saga isn’t the only version of it, as in 1981, there was a shorter video release known as The Godfather 1902–1959: The Complete Epic, and another one titled The Godfather: The Epic 1901-1959 was released in 1990, with additional scenes. A third edition of The Godfather Saga was released two years after The Godfather Part III came out, titled The Godfather Trilogy: 1901–1980, and it’s nine hours and 43 minutes long. This third version of The Godfather Saga changed the introductory scene of Part III, showing the Corleone house in Lake Tahoe in ruins rather than Michael in a meeting with Archbishop Gilday, which was moved to later in the film.

In 2012, a new version, titled The Godfather: A Novel For Television, was released on AMC to celebrate the 40th anniversary of The Godfather. This version was broadcast in high definition and didn’t have some of the exclusive scenes from the 1977 cut. The most recent version of The Godfather Saga was released on HBO in 2016, titled The Godfather: The Complete Epic 1901-1959, with most of the known deleted scenes, thus being longer than the previous Epic version. There are different ways to enjoy The Godfather trilogy, and the Saga cuts are some interesting options for those interested in the most complete versions of the films.

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