Grey’s Anatomy Season 21, Episode 11 Review: The Moment We’ve Been Waiting For – The Best Couples Finally Get Honest!

Last week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy was among the strongest of season 21, and luckily, episode 11 continues the trend. Most notably, the hour concludes the storyline with Evynn (Lena Waithe) and her wife, Tasha (Andrea Bordeaux). Grey’s Anatomy‘s most recent episode ended as the doctors realized Evynn lied about Tasha’s Alzheimer’s, making her potentially ineligible for the liver transplant. The new episode adds a wrinkle, as Ben and Bailey work with a patient who needs the same liver.

Elsewhere, Owen, Winston, and Jules get caught in a college scavenger hunt, while Teddy reconnects with Cass (Sophia Bush). Finally, Amelia assists Blue and Lucas when they bring in Blue’s former fiancée, Molly, who’s experiencing seizures. While it’s a busy episode, it’s ultimately very successful in moving storylines along and teeing up some exciting new ones.

Meredith & Nick Are Rarely Better Than They Are In This Episode

Despite Limited Screen Time, They’ve Become One Of Grey’s Anatomy’s Strongest Couples

Near the start of the episode, Meredith, Nick, Catherine, and Richard debate whether Tasha should receive the liver considering her Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Meredith thinks they should leave it up to the transplant committee, while Nick pushes for Tasha to receive it, which comes as somewhat of a surprise considering Mer’s history with the disease.

It’s a smart pivot on the show’s part for a couple of reasons. One, it lets Nick stand apart from Meredith in a way he doesn’t often get to, turning him into a real problem-solver who uses his expertise. Two, it leads to an honest and ultimately pretty romantic conversation between the two that serves as a great reminder of how good they are as a couple.

I think Grey’s Anatomy has managed Meredith’s more limited presence pretty well, but an unfortunate side effect is that the bulk of Nick and Meredith’s relationship has developed off-screen, and sometimes it feels like he only exists as a character when he’s with her. This episode does a lot to rectify both of those issues, while also neatly putting Meredith and Amelia’s Alzheimer’s research back in focus. Presumably, that’ll play a big role in the rest of the season.

Teddy & Owen Are Finally Honest With Each Other In A Refreshing Change Of Pace

While Their Future May Be Uncertain, Grey’s Anatomy Handles It Well

Teddy and Owen most recently appeared in episode 9 of the current Grey’s Anatomy season, which continued a frustrating trend of dishonesty in their relationship that has made both characters pretty hard to root for at times. Luckily, this episode changes things. For one, Owen is charming in a way he hasn’t been in a while when he gets hilariously into the scavenger hunt. Meanwhile, Cass’ return serves as a good reminder that Teddy isn’t tempted by her for no reason – they have a genuinely fun, light chemistry that makes everything more complicated.

It feels like a very welcome and modern take on a traditional cheating storyline, where they’re simply acknowledging that they have connections to other people but, hopefully, will be able to work through that challenge together.

After all the deception and snarky comments this season, it’s refreshing to see Teddy and Owen not only be honest with each other but actually express love and care as well. It feels like a very welcome and modern take on a traditional cheating storyline, where they’re simply acknowledging that they have connections to other people but, hopefully, will be able to work through that challenge together.

However, Grey’s Anatomy makes it clear there isn’t an easy solution here, and while the lack of resolution works well in this episode, it could lead to more frustrating scenes between the two down the line. Either way, it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

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