Godfather babysits baby girl while appearing on local news show & she hilariously upstages him

Godfather babysits baby girl while appearing on local news show & she hilariously upstages him

Dogs may be man’s best friend, but toddlers have a knack for stealing the show.

This is the story of a little girl named Coco, who managed to upstage her godfather, Rick Rea, during a live television interview.
Rick, the creative mind behind the hilarious “Fairly Potter” musical and its sequel “A Fairly Potter Christmas Carol,” was on a local breakfast television channel to promote his latest show.
Rick is not just known for his Harry Potter parodies, but also for his ability to create witty, improvised songs on the spot.

On the day of the interview, he found himself in a bit of a scheduling conflict.

He was supposed to babysit his goddaughter, Coco.
Instead of finding a replacement, he decided to bring the adorable toddler along to the interview.

Not knowing what is about to happen during the interview, I am sure he is pleasantly surprised with the outcome.
As Rick sat down at the keyboard, he introduced Coco to the audience.

Rick picked her up and had her play the piano herself.
Coco seemed delighted and immediately raised her arms to be lifted again.
The interviewer then suggested a topic for Rick’s improvised song: two people who’ve been working together for so long that it’s almost like a marriage.

He gave them both names and personality traits: one of them is awkward, the other is a little mothering.

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