General Hospital Is Set to Implode Brook Lynn and Chase’s Marriage and Upend Several of Dante’s Relationships

The Truth is Finally Coming Out

Dante and Alexis were finally told the truth about Sam’s murder. Dante admitted to Chase he can’t not see Sam every time he looks at Lulu, which is a problem given Lulu still loves Dante. And while Dante is still grieving, on some level, it’s clear he still has feelings for Lulu. Things got more complicated by Friday when Dante opened up to Brook Lynn that he actually blames himself for Sam’s death. That’s when Lulu walked in on Brook Lynn giving Dante a supportive hug.

Of course, a Dante and Lulu reunion looks even more unlikely now that Brook Lynn confirmed that the baby she had and gave up for adoption was Dante’s. Yeah, we’ve known this was coming, just like we know the child is Gio. This better be one hell of a reveal when the time comes, as they gave away too much of this story’s secrets long ago.

As for poor Alexis, she’s now set on finding who killed her daughter, with or without the police’s help. It felt like the scenes of Alexis telling Molly and Kristina about Sam’s murder momentarily brought them all together. Will avenging Sam be what will help Molly and Kristina overcome their differences and mend their relationship? Unfortunately, Kristina’s need to punish Ava is still a problem, and she’s determined to help her father win custody of Avery and take Ava’s child from her as payback. Just focus on Charlie’s, Kristina!

Anna and Portia’s discussion hammered in again that their killer, Cyrus, is not acting as an angel of death, so we still don’t know what connects all the murders. The only thing that stands out, as I commented on in a previous column, is that so far, everyone Cyrus has tried to take out is somehow tied to Sonny. How about we return to what Liz and Lucky discovered at Turning Woods? Monday’s episode with them working together was fun, and they’ve still got that chemistry.

Who’s the Baby Daddy?

I did not see Sasha blurting out she was pregnant to the entire Quartermaine family, but it was a great episode. I loved Sasha standing up to Tracy, who was once again being ridiculous with her orders. We also got more great banter between Tracy and Martin at the nail salon, of all places.

Jason figured out Michael was the father of Sasha’s baby in a flash, and she confirmed it, but unfortunately, Cody spotted them discussing the matter. Of course, Cody jumped to the wrong conclusion that Jason was the father and wasted no time telling Maxie, Lulu and eventually Anna. At least with Anna, he was trying to get in touch with Robert so he could support Sasha. As I ranted last week, they continue to turn back the clock of Cody‘s evolution as a character with all these dunderhead moves he’s making, which can lead to no good. It took so long for so many viewers to like him. Now it seems the show is determined to trash him.

I somewhat assumed with Michael leaving that he would ask Jason to look after Sasha, but that didn’t happen. It would have been a great set-up to bring them together and become a couple. They’ve had some innocent flirtations lately. Now, though, Jason is only looking out for Michael. He went to Diane, told her about the baby and wanted only to protect Michael. Oh, Jason, and here you were earning some points in my book! While he could still be there for Sasha as a friend, or more, she can’t let people think Jason is the father, as that puts a Quartermaine target on her baby’s back, which she doesn’t want. Hence, nobody can know Michael is the father! Just like the Gio secret, we know it will come out eventually.

Your Baby’s Name is Gio

Not only is Dante the father of Brooke Lynn’s baby, but Cody has known about it since they were teens and kept the secret from him for Brook Lynn. Wow, that’s a twist that is sure to cause issues between Cody and Dante. Perhaps this will lead back to whatever Cody did to cover for Dante when they were kids that left Cody with a juvenile record? I still haven’t forgotten about that dropped storyline!

Brook Lynn and Chase were one of the few happy couples on the show, which is why it irks me that the writers are possibly blowing up their relationship for this storyline. When the truth inevitably comes out, Chase will be burdened with the fact that not only can’t he father a child, but his partner and one of his best friends did father a child with Brook Lynn! And, of course, there is what this will do to Lulu and Dante’s “relationship.” One secret is destroying so many lives and relationships. Yes, it’s soapy, but it feels they could have found a way to do this without crushing Chase’s spirit and dreams. Right now, Chase is the character I feel the most sorry for.

What Happens in Germany Doesn’t Stay in Germany

I’m enjoying Carly and Jack’s interaction and the fun they are having in Germany. Well, Jack almost getting killed by Valentin probably wasn’t fun for him. His then ordering Valentin to be shot on sight seems to not bode well for the fugitive, either. This could pave the way for Valentin to be declared dead and Charlotte to return to Lulu, but as we all know, death is never permanent on soaps. Honestly, though, it would be enough to just get Charlotte back to Lulu so it’s one less thing we have to listen to her cry and complain about.

I did enjoy Valentin’s outfit, fake accent and goatee, which seemed to be a nod to when he first came on the show, pretending to be someone named Theo.

Jack and Carly’s kiss was pretty hot, and I enjoyed their honest talk afterward about how they feel about one another. It won’t be long before she’s in Jack’s bed or he’s in hers. Just hurry up and get there. One thing is for certain: Anna, Jason and Sonny will have something to say about this!

Final Storyline Thoughts

Drew grows more and more disgusting, now having stalled the esplanade project, thereby screwing over Jordan and the man who handed over his congressional seat to Drew, all of which Curtis pointed out. They have set up the perfect “Who tried to kill Drew?” storyline at this point.

It looks like Ric might figure out Sonny is suffering from heart problems, which would be another point for Ava in this custody hearing, especially if they argue he’s not taking care of his own health. Therefore, how can he be trusted to take care of a child?

Molly and Cody’s brief interaction again seems to hint at a possible pairing, but I’m still not ruling out something between Cody and Lulu.

Emma’s character feels like it’s lacking direction. I’m all for animal rights and good causes, but this storyline of hers isn’t working for me. It’s giving me Hermione and the house elves vibes from Harry Potter. Even though Emma has ties to so many characters on the show, she feels pointless right now.

Kai and Trina are still doing nothing for me, either. With the preview of Trina calling Curtis to help with Kai, given he was once paralyzed with no hope, will Kai also get a miracle? Maybe he will become the miracle poster child for Aurora Wellness!

That wraps up my opinions on this week’s episodes of General Hospital. As always, add yours in the comments below!

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