Game Of Thrones: 5 Times Daenerys Targaryen Was An Overrated Character (& 5 She Was Underrated)

Given Daenerys Targaryen’s popularity in Game of Thrones, it’s no wonder her character is considered to be both underrated and overrated.

What can one say about Daenerys Targaryen? She was undoubtedly one of the most divisive characters to have ever appeared on Game of Thrones, yet she was also impossible to ignore. She was (for a while, at least) the last known scion of her House and, as such, saw herself as the rightful person to rule over Westeros. There’s no doubt that she was one of the most fascinating characters that the show ever produced and, given how many characters there were, that’s really saying something.

Given her centrality to the series, it’s unsurprising that there are moments when she is both overrated and underrated as a character.

Overrated: Her Ability To Do Something And Then Actually Keep It That Way Was Virtually Nonexistent

Daenerys Targaryen in King's Landing in Game of Thrones

Daenerys was good at many things, but one of her signature flaws as a character was her inability (or unwillingness) to stick with something and keep it that way. Time and again, she embarked on various projects, only to change course right in the middle, often to her own detriment. Of course, the most striking instance of this was her final descent into her own egomania, when she declared that her victorious armies would sweep all of the world before them. The series leaves little doubt as to how badly that would turn out.

Underrated: The Fact That She Managed To Keep Any Dothraki With Her After Drogo Died

A baby dragon on Daenerys' shoulder in the season 1 finale of Game of Thrones

After the death of her beloved Drogo, somehow Dany manages to forge a small khalasar of her own. Considering the fact that the Dothraki have a notably dim view of women in general, and given the fact that they usually force the widows of their khals to live in forced seclusion with other widows, the fact that she managed to convince any other Dothraki at all to join her is nothing short of a miracle.

Overrated: Her Alleged “Nobility”

Daenerys and a dragon in Game of Thrones

One of the things that always seemed to set Dany apart from many of the other characters of the show was that she seemed to be motivated by a genuine sense of nobility. On the surface, at least, she seems to want to make life better for those who are oppressed by those who have power. As the series goes on, however, this nobility is exposed for the front that it really is, and Dany is revealed as very much like the very people she claims to oppose.

Underrated: Winning A Creepy Amount Of Loyalty From Jorah After He Was Sent To Spy

Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen and Iain Glen as Ser Jorah Mormont on Game of Thrones

One of the strongest bonds in the series was always that between Ser Jorah and Dany. This is one of those relationships that is acknowledged, but some viewers might not realize just how underrated it is in many ways.

After all, Jorah was sent to spy on Dany, and the fact that he turned his coat so intensely reveals that there must truly be something dynamic and powerful about her, something that inspires that type of unconditional love and loyalty.

Overrated: How She Managed To Get Two Dragons Killed

Rhaegal Viserion Daenerys Tyrion Game of Thrones

One of the most frustrating things about the later seasons is how cavalierly they dealt with the dragons. By the time of the events in the series, dragons have been gone from the world for many years, so their presence is truly spectacular. Unfortunately, despite the fact that she is, allegedly, their mother and protector, Dany somehow manages to lose not one but two of them, first to the ice spear wielded by the Night King and then to a scorpion bolt from Euron (the latter of which really strains credulity).

Underrated: Her Ruthlessness When She Felt Like She Had Been Crossed

Emilia Clarke as Daenerys in Game of Thrones

What makes Dany such a fascinating character is, in part, the contradiction between her appearance and her actions. On the outside, she very much looks like the damsel in distress, with her pale blonde hair and her small frame. However, this allows for many to underrate her ruthlessness and, almost from the beginning, she showed a streak of brutality that was as strong and deep as any of her enemies in Westeros and Essos.

Overrated: Why She Brought Tyrion And Varys Onboard If She Was Just Going To Ignore Literally Everything They Told Her

Game of Thrones Spoils of War - Tyrion, Daenerys, and Jon on the beach

After Tyrion murdered his father Tywin with a well-aimed crossbow bolt, he ended up fleeing across the sea with Varys the eunuch in tow. The two of them found unlikely sanctuary with Dany, who welcomed their advice and their perspective on Westeros.

Unfortunately, those who thought this marked a canny move on Dany’s part overrated her for, as she would go on to prove time and again, she was utterly unwilling to follow their advice, no matter how good it was.

Underrated: The Fact That She Managed To Survive Viserys’ Cruelty And Abuse

Viserys kissing Daenerys' head

Throughout the first half of the first season, Dany was subjected to significant mental and physical torment by her brother Viserys. The audience is given to understand that this is part of a pattern on his part, as he tries to brutalize her into absolute submission. One of the best things about Dany, however, is that she refuses to give in to him and, ultimately, she has her revenge when Drogo finally kills him right in front of her.

Overrated: Her Focus On The Downtrodden At The Expense Of Other Valuable Allies

Daenerys and Hizdahr in Game of Thrones Season 5 The Gift

Many people find Dany’s decision to focus on the downtrodden in Essos a laudable trait and, in many ways, it is, especially considering the fact that so many others are so callous toward the less fortunate. Unfortunately, this tends to mean that Dany doesn’t pay enough attention to those that are in power. As awful and corrupt as they may be, they are still the ones who know how the wheels of government work, and her decision to eschew forging alliances with them is a big part of her downfall.

Underrated: Her Absolute Lack Of Concern About What People Thought Of Her

Daenerys with the Dothraki standing behind her in Game of Thrones.

One has to give Dany a lot of credit: she is a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t willing to give up on her principles. More than that, though, she is also a woman who doesn’t care what people think of her. It doesn’t matter that many people, both in Essos and Westeros, refuse to take her seriously or view her as little more than a girl who can be easily dispatched. Nothing stands in her way.

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