When a sitcom runs as long as Friends does, there are bound to be a few plot holes (although, Friends seems to have more than others), including one involving Chandler and Monica’s relationship. The beloved NBC comedy series created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman ran for ten seasons and 236 episodes, from 1994 to 2004. Although it has been off the air for over 20 years, Friends remains culturally relevant. People of all ages have watched the sitcom, ranging from those who tuned in when Friends was still airing to others who first discovered it on Netflix in 2015.
Since so many have watched it, Friends has been picked apart and analyzed more than most series. Consequently, the sitcom’s inconsistencies and inaccuracies have nowhere to hide (like the characters’ constantly changing ages and birthdays and Rachel and Monica’s apartment number). Nevertheless, Friends was and continues to be one of the most popular and critically acclaimed TV shows of all time, in spite of its various plot holes.
Chandler & Monica’s “I Love You” Plot Hole In Friends
Chandler Tells Monica He Loves Her For The First Time On 2 Different Occasions
Aside from Ross and Rachel, Chandler and Monica’s love story is arguably the best in Friends. However, it isn’t without its faults. Chandler and Monica are friends for years before they start developing (mutual) feelings for one another. During the Friends season 4 finale, Chandler and Monica hook up for the first time in London. Although they agree to end their relationship once they return to New York, neither can deny their feelings. So, Chandler and Monica continue their romance in secret in season 5. Everyone finds out, though, once their relationship gets serious and Chandler professes his love for Monica.
However, Friends somehow creates a plot hole when Chandler tells Monica that he loves her for the first time on two separate occasions in season 5. In episode 8, “The One with All the Thanksgivings,” Chandler says, “I love you,” to Monica while she has a turkey on her head. She apologizes to him (in the form of humor) after he learns the truth behind the Thanksgiving when he lost his toe. Six episodes later, Chandler tells Monica that he loves her seemingly for the first time again in “The One Where Everybody Finds Out.”
The Perfect Explanation For Friends’ Chandler & Monica Plot Hole
The First “I Love You” Didn’t Count
The good news is that this Chandler and Monica plot hole in Friends can be explained. As Karli Ray’s Blog points out, the first time Chandler says, “I love you,” is a mistake on his part. He adamantly tries to take it back after the words slip out of his mouth, meaning that his first “I love you” likely doesn’t count in the couple’s book.
Friends contains many plot holes that can’t be explained and never will be able to, but Chandler and Monica’s first “I love you’s” isn’t one of them.
Meanwhile, Chandler professes his love for Monica with his full chest in season 5, episode 14, making her believe that he fully meant what he was saying. Consequently, Monica repeats “I love you” back to Chandler during the same scene. Friends contains many plot holes that can’t be explained and never will be able to, but Chandler and Monica’s first “I love you’s” isn’t one of them.