Friends is an American sitcom that follows the lives of six friends – Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler and Ross; sharing the same apartment in Manhattan. It ran for 10 seasons from September 22, 1994, to May 6, 2004. The ensemble cast constitutes Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, and David Schwimmer.
Disclaimer: In this exhaustive list, we’ve covered a considerable number of people who have guest-starred on the show. And, their roles range from family members of the friends group to dates, lovers, exes, spouses, and so on. So in case you haven’t watched the entire show, we’ll be covering segments from all the seasons that may include spoilers.
1. James Michael Tyler
Tyler plays the cult favorite Gunther and is easily the most-appearing guest star on the show. Gunther is Central Perk’s Manager and first appears in Season 1, Episode 2 – The One with the Sonogram at the End.
2. Elliot Gould and Christina Pickles
Gould and Pickles play Judy and Jack – the parents of the Geller siblings, Ross (played by David Schwimmer) and Monica (Courteney Cox). They also make their first appearance in the second episode of the show.
3. Maggie Wheeler
Wheeler plays Janice – Chandler’s (played by Matthew Perry) on-and-off girlfriend, with the infamous nasal cackle. She makes her first appearance in Season 1, Episode 5 – The One with the East German Laundry Detergent.
4. Jessica Hecht and Jane Sibbett
Hecht plays Susan and also first appears with Ross’s ex-wife Carol, in the show’s second episode. But Anita Barone plays Carol there and is only replaced by Sibbett in later episodes. Simply put, Hecht and Sibbett make their first on-screen appearance in Season 1, Episode 9 – The One Where Underdog Gets Away.
5. Hank Azaria
Hank plays David – a scientist, with whom Phoebe (played by Lisa Kudrow) really hits it off romantically. However, David has to go to Minsk for his research grant and is thus forced to break it up with Phoebe. All this takes place in Season 1, Episode 10 – The One with the Monkey.
6. Morgan Fairchild and Jay Leno
Fairchild plays Chandler’s mother – Nora Bing. She is interviewed by Jay Leno himself as the author of her new erotic novel, in Season 1, Episode 11 – The One with Mrs. Bing. Later in the episode, when she visits Chandler and his friends, she and Ross share a kiss.
7. Robert Costanzo, Fisher Stevens, and Brenda Vaccaro
Costanzo and Vaccaro play the parents of Joey Tribbiani (played by Matt LeBlanc) – Joey Tribbiani, Sr. and Gloria Tribbiani, respectively. Stevens plays Phoebe’s psychiatrist boyfriend, Roger. However, after he goes all rude and analytical about Phoebe’s friends, she breaks up with him. They all appear in Season 1, Episode 13 – The One with the Boobies.
8. Jon Lovitz
Lovitz plays Steve – Phoebe’s massage client; who’s looking for a head chef for his new restaurant. Phoebe sets Monica an appointment with him in Season 1, Episode 15 – The One with the Stoned Guy. But as you may have guessed it, he arrives there stoned.
9. George Clooney and Noah Wyle
Clooney and Wyle play Doctors – Mitchell and Rosen, respectively, and tend to Rachel’s (played by Jennifer Aniston) sprained ankle. They briefly appear in Season 1, Episode 17 – The One with Two Parts, Part 2. Which, in turn also refers to their respective roles – Doug Ross and John Carter, in ER.
10. Lauren Tom
She plays Ross’s girlfriend – Julie, from his week-long stay at China. Tom first appears in Season 1, Episode 24 – The One Where Rachel Finds Out. Later in the show, Ross breaks up with her after knowing that Rachel has feelings for him.
11. Steve Zahn
He plays Duncan, Phoebe’s long-lost apparently gay husband in Season 2, Episode 4 – The One with Phoebe’s Husband. He comes back into Phoebe’s life to ask for a divorce and own up to his realization of actually being straight.
12. Michael McKean
He appears as Mr. Rastatter in Season 2, Episode 8 – The One with the List. He interviews Monica and asks her to use their product – Mockolate (a synthetic substitute for chocolate) and come up with some Thanksgiving recipes.
13. Audra Lindley
The late actress plays Phoebe’s grandmother, in Season 2, Episode 9 – The One with Phoebe’s Dad, when the latter visits her to see her father’s real photo. So far she was under the impression that a random guy posing for photo frames, is her father.
14. June Gable
Gable plays Joey’s talent agent – Estelle Leonard, and makes her first appearance in Season 2, Episode 10 – The One with Russ. Although interestingly, Estelle gives Joey the part of Al Pacino’s butt double over a call in Season 1, Episode 6 – The One with the Butt.
15. Marlo Thomas
Thomas appears as Rachel’s mother – Sandra Green, for the first time in Season 2, Episode 11 – The One with the Lesbian Wedding.
16. Brooke Shields and Chris Isaak
Shields plays the role of Erika – a fan who helplessly believes Joey is Dr Drake Ramoray. She makes her appearance in Season 2, Episode 12 – The One After the Superbowl, Part 1.
Chris Isaak also guest-features as Rob Donan in the same episode and approaches Phoebe for a musical performance at a children’s library.
17. Julia Roberts and Jean-Claude Van Damme
Julia Roberts plays Chandler’s grown-up grade school classmate, Susie in Season 2, Episode 13 – The One After the Superbowl, Part 2. She convinces Chandler to wear her underwear and hatches a too-good-to-be-true date with Chandler. Eventually, Chandler ends up being locked in the bathroom wearing nothing but Susie’s underwear.In the same episode, Rachel and Monica fight each other for a chance to date Van Damme – who features here, as himself.