Bill Cosby’s new accuser alleges he drugged and raped her on the set of the ‘Cosby Show

Bill Cosby’s new accuser alleges he drugged and raped her on the set of the ‘Cosby Show

In a lawsuit filed Friday in the New York Supreme Court, an anonymous accuser made new allegations against Bill Cosby dating back to 1992.

In the complaint obtained by The Daily Beast, the woman (identified only as Jane Doe) alleges that she was invited to the Cosby Show studio about twice — the purpose being to discuss a cameo in the program. Instead, she accused Cosby of sexually abusing her during her second visit.

Cosby has consistently denied allegations of abuse. The former TV star’s publicist Andrew Wyatt told The Daily Beast via email: “The alleged allegations are completely ridiculous and ridiculous and I refuse to elaborate or provide them to anyone in of these alleged distractions a platform.”

In a separate email to The Daily Beast, Cosby attorney Jennifer Bonjean wrote, “We will enjoy fighting this ‘Jane Doe’ lawsuit, like all the others. Unlike the mainstream media, we will ensure that these whistleblowers’ stories are examined, challenged and resolved in court. There will be no blank checks—not now, not ever. Ultimately, this country will see how a movement that has become a money-making machine endangers the fundamental constitutional foundation of our justice system.”

In addition to Cosby, Doe’s lawsuit names The Cosby Show’s distributor, NBCUniversal Media, LLC, as well as Kaufman Astoria Studios, Inc.—where the show was filmed—and production company The Carsey-Werner Company, LLC accused.

The complaint alleges that the companies “tolerated and encouraged Cosby’s sexual abuse, assault and/or battery on women, including on company premises by doing nothing to stop that behavior despite knowledge of his serial sexual abuse of women and by providing Cosby with power and authority.” , resources and facilities to approach, groom and sexually abuse women.”

The legal saga freed Cosby — and possibly enabled abusers
Pilar Melendez

Lawyers for the companies named are not listed for this case. Representatives for NBC did not immediately respond to The Daily Beast’s request for comment, and emails to Carsey-Werner and Kaufman Astoria Studios were not immediately returned.

According to the lawsuit, Doe visited the set in Queens, Kaufman Astoria Studios in New York under the belief that she and Cosby would discuss a potential guest role on The Cosby Show. During these visits, meaningfully, she and a group of models and actors sat apart from the rest of the studio audience.

During the second visit, the complaint says Doe and the other women were led to Cosby’s dressing room. An actress is said to have gone inside while the door was still closed; Doe was said to be waiting outside with other actresses and former NBC employees and an individual believed to be the late former NBC employee Frank Scotti.

The complaint alleges that after the first actress walked out of the dressing room, Doe clicked next. “Upon information and belief, the individual believed to be Mr. Scotti remained outside Cosby’s closed dressing room door to ensure that Cosby could sexually assault and rape Ms. Doe without interruption. paragraph,” the suit states — and also as the suit claims: prevented Doe from escaping.

“Upon information and belief, Cosby added or caused an unknown intoxicant to be added to a beverage Cosby provided to Ms. Doe without her consent or knowledge,” the complaint states. Doe”.

Doe reportedly lost consciousness after consuming a small amount of the drink. When she regained consciousness, the complaint said, “she was slumped in a chair, her underwear had been removed, Cosby had pulled down his pants, and Cosby was removing his penis from between Ms. Doe’s legs. ” When Doe next woke up, the complaint continued, she was at home and didn’t know how she got there.

Two years ago, Pennsylvania’s highest court overturned Cosby’s 2018 conviction for sexually assaulting Andrea Constand on the grounds that the defendants violated his rights by renewing his public oath not to pursue prosecution. denounce him. At the time, Constand and her attorney said the decision could “prevent those seeking justice for sexual assault in the criminal justice system from reporting or participating in the prosecution of the attacker.” or may force victims to choose between filing criminal or civil charges. work.”

Six women completed Constand’s trial and dozens of others came forward with allegations of rape and sexual assault. According to notes in Doe’s complaint, Cosby admitted under oath that he purchased drugs for use on women with whom he wanted to have sex.

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