Lisa Kudrow is revisiting a sentimental gift from her late Friends castmate Matthew Perry.
“Matthew gave that to me at the end of our last episode,” Kudrow recalled on Tuesday’s episode of The Drew Barrymore Show, referring to a clock-shaped cookie jar prop from a season 8 episode. “I recently found the note that he had in it for me. I hadn’t opened it up or looked inside of it, but yeah, he did. He had a note in there and I forgot about it. Timing is everything.”
Host Drew Barrymore had asked Kudrow if she ever snagged anything from the Friends set. “Yes, but I’m too afraid to tell you what. I’m too, I can’t say. I’m afraid,” Kudrow responded. It was unclear whether she was thinking of the cookie jar clock, which Barrymore herself subsequently brought up. “Someone will come take it away from me,” Kudrow said of her big set keepsake.
The cookie jar clock is featured prominently in the season 8 episode “The One With the Cooking Class.” In the episode, Phoebe (Kudrow) helps Chandler (Perry) practice for a job interview, specifically helping him overcome the urge to make punny riffs on words like “duties.”
Kudrow has previously discussed how the innocuous prop took on such significance in her and Perry’s on-set friendship. “Do you see that ‘Cookie Time?’ That was in Monica and Rachel’s apartment,” she told Jimmy Kimmel via Zoom in 2020, pointing to the cookie jar on a bookshelf behind her. “That was the wrap gift he gave me. We were laughing hysterically, and crying, because it was the end.
She elaborated: “It’s funny to us, because we’re shooting a scene, years before we’re finished. My line was, ‘Ooh, I better get going!’ Except I didn’t have a watch, and we were shooting it, it was too late when I realized, I don’t have a watch, how do I know, ‘Ooh! I have to get going?’ So as the words were coming out I go, ‘Oh great, there’s a clock.’ I gesture to that, and go, ‘Ooh! Look at the time, I gotta get going.’ We’re done shooting and Matthew said, ‘Did you point at the cookie jar and say, Look at the time?'”
Kudrow’s Drew Barrymore visit came a bit more than a year after Perry’s untimely death at 54, from the acute effects of ketamine.
Since Perry’s passing in October 2023, Kudrow and her castmates have been regaling fans with stories of their beloved friend and costar. Kudrow recently discussed Perry’s “uniquely funny” table read for the Friends pilot, saying, “When we had that first table read, what Matthew was doing didn’t sound like what I thought I was going to hear. It was like nothing I’ve ever heard before, I went, ‘Oh boy.’ Matthew was blow-away hilarious.”