The Truth About Young & Restless’ Alan May Be More Bizarre Than You Ever Imagined

It’s tough to get one over on Young & Restless fans, but the mystery surrounding Alan’s psychotic behavior is definitely a story that’s left us with more questions than answers. The truth? Well, let’s just say it may be more outrageous than what you’ve probably been thinking.

We suspected a while back that Alan was his presumed-dead twin, Martin, and we certainly felt justified when it was revealed that he was the maniac who kidnapped Sharon and Phyllis and held them captive in an abandoned mental clinic. What a shocker to learn that Traci’s brand new fiance was the “freak” who was experimenting on the locked up ladies as though they were lab rats. This definitely had to be Martin!

But what if the truth is even more shocking than Martin having lived after the fall from the balcony and taking on his brother’s identity? What if the person who committed this insane crime really is Alan?!

It seems impossible, but it’s not like we ever really knew him that well. Alan could have been just as evil as his twin all along and no one realized it. What a mind-boggler it would be to discover that this man was so effortlessly able to integrate himself into the lives of the Abbotts and act as a sane, respected psychologist without anyone being any the wiser!
Nick Alan Michael Sharon Y&R

Conversely, Alan may not have been bad all along. Much was made of his guilt over his twins’ tragic death and his involvment in it… perhaps the good doctor simply snapped at some point after the fall. This could mean that Alan took on his late brother’s worst traits in some kind of twist… either he is experiencing some sort of psychosis or has taken on an alternate personality much like Ashley.

Whether Alan is Alan, or Martin, this storyline has definitely kept us all guessing and speculating, and there’s every chance the truth will prove to be yet another bizarre twist in this tale! Do you think Alan is Alan or Martin? Vote!

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