Another Dog Left in Scorching Car: A Cruel Reminder of Pet Safety

As temperatures rise, so do the number of dogs rescued from hot cars.

Even with multiple stories that exhibit the danger people put their pets in by leaving them behind in a parked car with no air conditioning, owners continue to make this alarming and risky choice.

The most recent instance comes out of St. Louis, Missouri, where a Chihuahua mix was rescued from a baking SUV parked near the St. Louis Zoo, reports the St. Louis Post Dispatch.

Molly the dog’s rescue was initiated when two girls in the parking lot spotted the dog suffering inside the car and reported the ailing animal to a zoo official. The St. Louis Zoo reached out to the Humane Society of Missouri for help.

A representative from the shelter quickly arrived at the zoo to safely break Molly out of the vehicle. When the small dog was removed from the car, the interior of the SUV was over 120 degrees, even with the windows cracked.

The Humane Society of Missouri captured the entire rescue effort on camera to show its supporters the peril owners put their pets in when they decide to leave them behind in a hot car.

After being moved to a transport truck, Molly was taken to a vet where she was given an examination. According to the Humane Society of Missouri, the vet said Molly was OK and received no permanent damage from her time stuck in the scalding car, though she did arrive at the vet with a very high temperature.

“Molly is very fortunate our Animal Cruelty Task Force got to her when they did. We were able to get her out of the hot car and inside our air conditioned van where she could cool off. We brought her to the shelter, where our veterinarian immediately gave her a full examination and emergency treatment. Thanks to the quick actions of the caller, the police, and the Animal Cruelty Task Force, Molly is expected to make a full recovery, ” Kathy Warnick, the president of the Humane Society of Missouri, told PEOPLE.

Because Molly sustained no permanent damage, her owner was allowed to pick her up from the shelter and take her home without facing any charges.

“We just hate to see cases like this,” Humane Society of Missouri spokesperson Jeane Jae told the paper. “Anytime it’s over 70 degrees, you should not leave any living thing in your car.”

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