Jaleel White’s Bombshell Reveal: Why Jaimee Foxworth Never Came Back to Family Matters

What happened to Judy?
Like many others, Virginia fans of Family Matters have wondered why Judy Winslow (Jaimee Foxworth) disappeared after season four. Judy was last seen in the nineteenth episode of the fourth season’s Mama’s Wedding.

She never returned and was not mentioned again, and budget cuts were blamed for her departure. US Magazine reports that Jaleel White has revealed the truth in his new book Growing Up Urkle.

In chapter seven of his memoir, White reveals that the youngest Winslow sibling failed every subject in their on-set school. He says that when the producers asked Jaimee how they could help with her schoolwork, she replied that she did not like school.

White and Foxworth reunite
When Family Matters resumed taping for season five, actress Cherie Johnson (Maxine Johnson) had Foxworth’s dressing room. White shared that he was surprised when Jaimee Foxworth tapped him on the shoulder at his thirtieth birthday party in November 2006.

He says they hugged and that he had not seen her since 1993. The actor has been making the rounds, including The Tamaron Hall Show, to share excerpts from his book. Virginians Elisa J. and Beryl P. say they have red Growing Up Urkle and enjoyed it.

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