‘9-1-1’ Meets ‘Lone Star’: 5 Ways the Franchise Can Resolve Unanswered Questions

9-1-1: Lone Star may have ended after a five-season run on Fox, but the good news is that it didn’t leave us on a cliffhanger and thanks to the original series still going (and the potential for a new one), there is a chance we can still hear about our favorite characters.

Lone Star ended with Owen (Rob Lowe) taking the chief job in New York, leaving Judd (Jim Parrack) captain of the 126; Tommy’s (Gina Torres) cancer in remission; T.K. (Ronen Rubinstein) now a stay-at-home dad after he and Carlos (Rafael Silva) adopted his half-brother; Marjan (Natacha Karam) pregnant; and Mateo’s (Julian Works) citizenship fast-tracked. But does Owen stay in New York? How’s Judd doing as captain? Does T.K. return to work? How does Marjan handle being a pregnant firefighter? (We know she’ll kill it.) Will we see any of the characters again?

9-1-1 is still going strong, in its eighth season (second on ABC) —and Buck (Oliver Stark), Hen (Aisha Hinds), and Eddie (Ryan Guzman) all met the 126 during the crossover in Season 2 — and there’s been talk of another spinoff (nothing’s confirmed yet). Below, we take a look at how we could get answers to the questions we still have after the end of 9-1-1: Lone Star on one of those others shows.

Friends catch up

Thanks to that aforementioned crossover, all it would take is a call between two characters — and we wouldn’t even have to see the one from Lone Star. Maybe Owen and Hen stayed in touch after their shared near-death experience. Judd and Eddie could catch up. Buck could take a look at Marjan’s Instagram after he fought so hard to be added.

Eddie does move to Texas

Before 9-1-1 went on hiatus, Eddie was considering moving to Texas to be closer to his son, who’s now living with his grandparents. What if he goes through with it and takes a trip from El Paso to Austin for some reason? He could catch up with the 126 and relay updates back to the 118.

A mini crossover

All it would take is one member of the 126 to be in Los Angeles for any reason and you know that person would end up crossing paths with the 118 and helping with a rescue or two. Then during downtime, there would be the opportunity to go over what’s new in everyone’s lives.

One of the crossovers that never happened

Lone Star co-showrunner Rashad Raisani detailed for TV Insider two crossovers that never happened that he’d wanted to do over the years: an L.A.-based emergency with the 126 supporting the 118 and then the 126 and 118 meeting up at the International Firefighting Games (firefighters from all over the world send their best for firefighting competitions) and an emergency happening. Maybe one of those ideas could be adapted for 9-1-1 or the potential spinoff. Speaking of…

A guest spot or major role on the potential spinoff

So far, another show in the 9-1-1 world is just a possibility, but Raisani, who’s involved in it with Ryan Murphy and Tim Minear, told us he’d love for Lone Star characters to appear on it. Now, whether that means one of them moves to the new show’s location to be a series regular or just shows up in a guest or recurring capacity, that doesn’t really matter. Either way could allow for a conversation about the rest of the 126.

But what do you think? Do you want to hear updates about the 126 on 9-1-1 or see those characters on there or a spinoff? Let us know in the comments section below.

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