Elsewhere, more drama is brewing in Buck’s life. Buck exhibits major anxious attachment signs after Eddie’s departure for Texas and takes some action to move forward. In comes Ravi, who mysteriously disappeared for all of Season 8 for unknown reasons. 9-1-1 doesn’t address why Ravi was gone after having been established as a major character in previous seasons, but pokes fun at him for being the replacement for Eddie. Ravi deserves a genuine hug, but no one seems to care enough to notice.
Fox’s hit drama 9-1-1 has never shied away from shaking things up, and this latest casting move is no exception. While fans are ecstatic to see a beloved character return, the price of their comeback is a painful goodbye to another series favorite. But who is leaving? And why? Let’s break down everything you need to know about this major cast change.
It’s a shame that it took Eddie’s leave for Ravi to come back around. The coincidental circumstances are enough to make one wonder if Ravi will be booted again when Eddie comes back — not just from his supporting role but from the show altogether. Ravi has so much potential as a member of the 118, being the youngest firefighter who has yet to form any significant relationships or gotten a backstory “Begins” episode. Ravi is the key to keeping things fresh for 9-1-1, so hopefully his attendance in “Holy Mother of God” signals new beginnings that involve him plus Eddie when he returns. The Reappearance of Tommy
Kinard Brings Up a Burning Question. Buck’s Problems Can’t Be Pushed Down Forever
Buck takes Ravi out to socialize, but only talks about Eddie the entire time — which brings up an obvious concern that 9-1-1 can’t be bothered to answer. Buck is seen as the golden boy of the troop, the firefighter who volunteers first to save a life, no matter the cost. But Buck can also be incredibly selfish, and no one seems to bat an eye because he plays it off as his love for Eddie.
9-1-1 used to explore Buck’s flaws as a means of helping him grow as a person in earlier seasons. But because Buck drives most of the fans to the show, 9-1-1 puts on rose-colored glasses for him. It would be interesting to see 9-1-1 revisit Buck confronting his imperfections in order to become a better potential partner in the future, rather than solely dropping bread crumbs for “Buddie” to happen.
Tommy Kinard also returns in this episode to have a one-night stand with Buck, inciting another question Buck needs to answer for himself: is he attracted to Eddie? At this point, it seems silly to even have to dance around the question. It can be exhausting watching 9-1-1 drag their slow-burn romance out as long as it can, knowing what the endgame will be. But verbalizing the potential of a romantic relationship between Buck and Eddie is good progress for 9-1-1 to get them out of the will-they, won’t-they rut.
The talking point of Season 8, Episode 11, will probably be Buck questioning his feelings for Eddie for the first time, but it’s not the summit of the episode by any means. Along with Athena, Bobby is one of the two protagonists of 9-1-1. Krause is such a gift to the show who nails the multi-faceted layers of Bobby’s upbringing, and the unhealthy coping mechanisms he uses in the present to deal with it. Even if it means creating more plot holes, more of Bobby’s story is always welcome in this firehouse.