Despite airing its series finale 20 years ago, Friends is still incredibly popular on streaming platforms, but some of its storylines have become outdated. Friends is synonymous with 1990s culture, and this means that there are some parts of the show which might not make sense to younger audiences. Plenty of episodes revolve around obsolete technologies such as landlines, CDs and home computers.
Friends may be a little less relatable now than it once was, but this rarely affects the impact of the jokes. The main problem is that some of these outdated references feature prominently at important points in the show’s narrative, and not immediately understanding these references could impact someone’s enjoyment of the show. Friends has a great cast and some hilarious writing, so it has managed to hold up over the years despite some of its storylines being stuck in the 1990s.
10 Joey & Chandler Lose Ben On The Bus
Season 2, Episode 6, “The One with the Baby on the Bus”
Ben doesn’t appear quite as often as he probably should, seeing as he’s the son of one of the main characters. He still provides the potential for a lot of fun episodes, especially in the early seasons of the show. “The One with the Baby on the Bus” features Joey and Chandler playing the role of babysitters, although they are more interested in the female attention they get for taking care of Ben and there would be a lengthy inquest if a baby was left on a public bus.
The two friends become so distracted by the women they meet while they are out with Ben that they accidentally leave him on a bus. They probably wouldn’t be able to get away with this in 2024. Society’s attitudes about childcare have shifted slightly, and there would be a lengthy inquest if a baby was left on a public bus. Ultimately, Ross could also find himself in trouble for leaving his son in the hands of two men who are so easily distracted.
9 Joey Buys An Encyclopedia From A Door-To-Door Salesman
Season 4, Episode 3, “The One with the Cuffs”
“The One with the Cuffs” is named for Chandler’s storyline, but Joey’s subplot is just as entertaining. Penn Jillette plays a door-to-door encyclopedia salesman who sees Joey as an easy mark. Joey wants to study so that he can keep up with the way his friends talk, but he can only afford Volume “V” of the alphabetized encyclopedia set. This gives him a fairly narrow field of expertise.
These days, encyclopedias like this are much harder to come by, thanks to Wikipedia and the wealth of information available at a moment’s notice on the internet.
These days, encyclopedias like this are much harder to come by, thanks to Wikipedia and the wealth of information available at a moment’s notice on the internet. The other thing that dates this episode is the idea of a door-to-door salesman. These jobs have mostly been eliminated because of online shopping. Episodes like “The One with the Cuffs” are still enjoyable to watch though, and Joey’s story underlines why season 4 is one of the best seasons of Friends overall.

8 Chandler Lies About Going To Yemen
Season 4, Episode 15, “The One with All the Rugby”
Janice is one of the best side characters in Friends. She can impact any episode as soon as she walks in with her grating laugh and her memorable catchphrase: “Oh. My. God!” Although most characters find her annoying, Chandler has a more complex relationship with her, as he can’t seem to stay away from her for too long. In “The One with All the Rugby,” Chandler finally decides he has had enough of her, but the only lie he can come up with to get rid of her is that he’s moving to Yemen.
It would be near-impossible for Chandler to maintain such a wild lie if Janice had any kind of social media to check on him.
There are two reasons this episode wouldn’t work today. The first is that it would be near-impossible for Chandler to maintain such a wild lie if Janice had any kind of social media to check on him. The second is that Janice wouldn’t be able to see him off at his gate without buying a ticket for the flight. Ross finds himself in a similar predicament in the Friends series finale, but by this point, the increased airport security means he has to buy a ticket just to see Rachel.
Any fan of Friends knows the infamous phrase “We were on a break!” If the show was made in the modern day, however, this entire plot point would have to be reworked. While Ross and Rachel are on their break, Ross sleeps with Chloe, a woman who works at a copy shop. She only bumps into Ross through her work, and since nobody uses copy shops anymore, this wouldn’t make sense today.
While Ross and Rachel are on their break, Ross sleeps with Chloe, a woman who works at a copy shop.
Although this episode is a key moment in Ross and Rachel’s relationship drama, it’s extremely outdated. A modern version could easily introduce Chloe’s character in some other way, but it wouldn’t be quite the same. Copy shops started falling out of fashion years ago as the world became more and more digital. It probably won’t be long until new viewers don’t even understand the concept.
7 Ross Sleeps With A Girl Who Works At A Copy Shop
Season 3, Episode 15, “The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break”
Any fan of Friends knows the infamous phrase “We were on a break!” If the show was made in the modern day, however, this entire plot point would have to be reworked. While Ross and Rachel are on their break, Ross sleeps with Chloe, a woman who works at a copy shop. She only bumps into Ross through her work, and since nobody uses copy shops anymore, this wouldn’t make sense today.
While Ross and Rachel are on their break, Ross sleeps with Chloe, a woman who works at a copy shop.
Although this episode is a key moment in Ross and Rachel’s relationship drama, it’s extremely outdated. A modern version could easily introduce Chloe’s character in some other way, but it wouldn’t be quite the same. Copy shops started falling out of fashion years ago as the world became more and more digital. It probably won’t be long until new viewers don’t even understand the concept.
6 Rachel Reads Ross’ List
Season 2, Episode 8, “The One with the List”
When Ross is struggling to decide between Rachel and Julie, he compiles a list of their pros and cons to try and gain some perspective. He does so by using Chandler’s bulky computer and his defective printer. A series of mishaps allow Rachel to get her hands on the list. This is another huge moment in Ross and Rachel’s on-again-off-again relationship that simply wouldn’t happen in the modern age.
If this episode were made today, Ross would probably use the notes app on his phone to make the list, instead of sitting down at a computer like he’s working an office job.
If this episode were made today, Ross would probably use the notes app on his phone to make the list, instead of sitting down at a computer like he’s working an office job. Rachel would never get a printed copy because there wouldn’t be any printed copies. This is a callous and emotionally illiterate act from Ross, but it’s also an unnecessarily risky one. He has no one to blame for his rejection other than himself.
5 Ross & Chandler Spread Rumors On Their Alumni Forum
Season 9, Episode 9, “The One with the Memorial Service”
Some episodes of Friends, especially those in the later seasons, incorporate the internet, but these episodes highlight how the landscape of the internet has evolved so drastically over the last 20 years. In “The One with the Memorial Service,” Chandler and Ross engage in a petty feud on their college’s alumni forum, as they spread humiliating rumors about each other as a prank.
seasons, incorporate the internet, but these episodes highlight how the landscape of the internet has evolved so drastically over the last 20 years.
After Ross posts on the forum that Chandler is gay, Chandler retaliates by telling everyone that Ross died in a blimp accident. These days, college friends tend to stay in touch via social media rather than forums. Also, anyone could easily verify if these rumors were true without having to show up to Ross’ phony memorial service. In a way, Friends predicted how some people believe everything they read online.